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Research areas
Integration Processes
Integration Policy
Diversity Monitor
On the Move
Integration Report BY
Integration w/o boarders
Diversity in Teaching
Model Regions
Study and stay in Bavaria
Integration courses
Expert report Hesse
Welfare organisations
Expert report Bavaria
Enquete report
efms Services


Research area Integration policy

Ongoing research projects

On the Move - The reality of free movement for young European citizens migrating in times of crisis

This project aims to know more about the barriers that interfere with the full enjoyment of the right to free movement. It addresses the reality of free movement from the viewpoint of young European citizens (age 25-35) who exercise or plan to exercise their right. What are the drivers and barriers of free movement face by young people?

Funding: Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union
November 2015 – October 2017
Researcher: Daniel Göler, Nevin Uca

Integration Report Bavaria

The study analyses micro-census data and indicators from other sources on structural integration of migrants in Bavaria in the period of 2005-2013. Data on migration to and out of Bavaria for the same period are added to the analysis. A second focus of the study is research on the development of integration policy structures in Bavarian cities.

Funding: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Familie und Integration
Project duration: August 2015 - December 2017

Researcher:  Friedrich Heckmann, Daniel Göler

Diversity monitor

The efms was commissioned by the Bertelsmann Foundation to develop a methodology to monitor diversity in Germany. The Diversity Monitor aims to establish a concept to measure the approach to ethnic and religious diversity in Germany. In order to do so, central areas of concern (dimensions) are identified which can be operationalized by means of selected quantitative and qualitative indices.

Funding: Bertelsmann-Stiftung
Duration: January 2014 - December 2016
Researcher: Wolfgang Bosswick, Susanne Bartig

Integration without Boarders (Erasmus+)

The project coordinated by the Palacky University Olomouc (
Czech Republic) is building a strategic partnership in the fields of Social Education and Social Work among several partner organizations from Central European countries. The network of partners from 8 different countries assembles universities, research centres, associations, NGOs, professional bodies, and local authorities for an exchange of experiences on the integration of cultural and ethnic minorities. It provides training modules for professionals in the field of social work with a focus on intercultural competences, management of diversity, project development and social entrepreneurship.

DG Education, ERASMUS+ programme

Duration: December 2014 - September 2016
Researcher: Wolfgang Bosswick

Completed projects

Diversity in Teaching Profession

The project funded by DG Education within the scope of a framework contract analyses the diversity within the teaching profession with particular focus on migrant and/or minority background in all EU member states; it collects information on the barriers to entering and remaining in the teaching profession for potential candidates with a migrant and/or minority background, and analyses policies, strategies and initiatives at Member State level which aim to encourage more migrants and/or cultural minorities to enter the teaching force, taking into account their effectiveness and impact. It further develops recommendations, including concrete policy implications at EU and national level, based on the evidence gathered in the study.

Funding: DG Education
Duration: December 2014 - December 2015
Researcher: Wolfgang Bosswick

Development of an integration concept for the City of Kelsterbach

The City of Kelsterbach has mandated the efms to guide a process of developing a community integration concept. The concept will be elaborated in a participative approach, directly incorporating those actors who are relevant for its implementation: the city administration, sponsors of integration projects, associations and clubs, welfare organizations, migrant organizations, educational institutions, religious communities, as well as all interested individuals.

Funding: City of Kelsterbach
October 2013 - September 2014

Luisa Seiler

European Policy Network on the education of children and young people with a migrant background (SIRIUS)

SIRIUS (European Policy Network on the education of children and young people with a migrant background) is a Europe-wide network of scientists, policymakers and practitioners for the exchange of knowledge, experience and good-practice on the education of children with a migrant background.

The efms is the National Coordinator for Germany and Co-leader of Work Package 1 on policy implementation and networking.

Funding: Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission
Project Duration: January 2012 - December 2014
Researcher: Claudia Köhler

Scientific monitoring of the programme "Model Regions of Integration" of the Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe

The efms was commissioned by the Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe to carry out the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the programme "Model Regions of Integration". In doing this, the efms will support the model regions in conducting structural changes of their integration work and integration policy, and will evaluate individual projects as well as the general programme.

Funding: Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe
Project duration: July 2010 - December 2013
Researcher: Stefanie Reiter, Susanne Bartig

Reiter, Stefanie; Pohl, Franziska: Landesprogramm Modellregionen Integration. Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung und Handlungsempfehlungen. Compiled in cooperation with HMdJIE (ed.). Wiesbaden 2013
Pohl, Franziska; Reiter, Stefanie: Evaluation und wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Programms "Modellregionen Integration". In: Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz, für Integration und Europa (ed.): Vielfalt ist Hessens Zukunft - Halbzeitbilanz der Modellregionen Integration. Wiesbaden 2012, pp. 40-43 , Bamberg 2012

Science-Society Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe (DIAMINT)

The international comparative project Science-Society Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe (DIAMINT) assesses how research-policy dialogues on immigrant integration have developed into much more complex science-society dialogues over recent decades. An in-depth analysis of these processes is provided in a number of European countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) as well as on the EU level.

Funding: Volkswagen Foundation
Completion: 31.08.2013
Project manager: Friedrich Heckmann
Researcher: Delia Wiest

Concept study within the frame of the initiative "Study and stay in Bavaria"

Since November 2012 efms has carried out a concept study on facilitating the transition of foreign graduates of Bavarian Universities from studies to professions within the frame of the initiative "Study and Stay in Bavaria".

Funding: Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology
Duration: November 2012 - May 2013
Researcher: Luisa Seiler, Doris Lüken-Klaßen, [Verena Krobisch]

Attitudes to Migrants, Communication and Local Leadership (AMICALL)

In order to increase the population's openness towards migration and integration, AMICALL establishes a transnational learning network which will identify, share and disseminate knowledge, experience and good practices among Europe's local and regional authorities (LRAs).

Being one out of six project partners, further partners being research institutes in Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, the efms coordinates and implements the project's activities in Germany.

Funding: EU Commission; DG Home Affairs
Completion: 31.10.2012
Project manager: Friedrich Heckmann
Researcher: Verena Krobisch, Delia Wiest
Krobisch, Verena; Wiest, Delia: Country background paper - Germany, Bamberg 2011
Krobisch, Verena; Wiest, Delia:: Country research paper - Germany , Bamberg 2011

Development of an Integration Concept for the city of Dietzenbach

The efms was elaborating an integration concept for a peaceful communal life of residents with and without a migration background in the city of Dietzenbach. The concept was developed in the course of a participative process involving relevant local actors and was based on a profound analysis by the efms on the current situation in the city.

Funding: City of Dietzenbach
Project duration: October 2010 - December 2011
Researchers: Franziska Pohl, Doris Lüken-Klaßen

Promoting Sustainable Policies for Integration (PROSINT)

The objective of the project PROSINT, covering nine European partner institutions was precisely to explore the rationale for adopting specific integration measures that target newcomers from third countries as well as the expected impact of such measures on migration patterns and integration processes of newcomers.

Funding: European Commission, European Integration Fund
Project duration: December 2009 - June 2011
Researcher: Claudia Lechner
Scholten, P.W.A. et al.: Integration from abroad? Perception and impacts of pre-entry tests for third-country nationals. PROSINT Comparative Reports WP4, Vienna 2012
Lechner, Claudia et al.: Study on the impacts of admission policies and admission related integration policies. PROSINT Comparative Reports WP5, Vienna 2012

Cities for Local Integration Policies (CLIP)

The network of Cities for Local Integration Policies (CLIP) brought together 30 European cities in a joint learning process for discussing and evaluating municipal integration policy. In their peer review process, the cities were supported by a group of expert European research centres coordinated by the efms.

Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Completion: 2010
Responsible researchers at efms: Wolfgang Bosswick, Doris Lüken-Klaßen, Franziska Pohl
Publications of the CLIP-project

Development of an Integration Concept for the City of Schwäbisch Gmünd

The efms was elaborating an integration concept for the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd with regard to residents with migration background. The initial point of the concept development constituted a profound analysis of the efms on the current integration situation in the city. Subsequently, the elaboration of the concept emerged through a participative process with the involvement of the relevant actors on the spot.

Funding: City of Schwäbisch Gmünd
Duration: May 2008 - May 2009
Researchers: Doris Lüken-Klaßen, Judith Halisch
efms: Miteinander in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Grundlagen des städtischen Integrationskonzepts. Bamberg 2008
Halisch, Judith; Lüken-Klaßen, Doris: Integrationsbericht Schwäbisch Gmünd. Bamberg 2008
Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd (ed.): Miteinander in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Integrationskonzept, Schwäbisch Gmünd 2009

Integration courses: concept development and evaluation

Together with the Centre for Adult Education Nuremberg the efms carried out the educational measure "Model project integration courses" on the integration of migrants from April 2001 until December 2003. It was the objective of the project to develop integration courses conceptionally, to test and to evaluate them.

Funding: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit, Bildungszentrum Nürnberg
Project period: April 2001 until December 2003
Researcher: Richard Wolf

Integration offers in selected Hessian districts and their institutional implementation

In the context of compiling an integration report, the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs commissioned the efms to conduct an empirical study of the development and implementation of integration measures at local level in eleven Hessian districts. In the empirical work, which was completed within only three months, in particular the conception and coordination of integration measures at local level were examined and compiled into a documentation of the different integration measures.

Funding: Hessisches Sozialministerium, Wiesbaden
Completed: April 2002
Researcher: Wolfgang Bosswick, Gisela Will
Publication: Bosswick, Wolfgang / Will, Gisela: Integrationsangebote in ausgewählten hessischen Kommunen und ihre institutionelle Umsetzung. Wiesbaden 2002

Integration measures of charitable organisations

The efms was commissioned at the beginning of 2001 by the Independent Commission "Immigration" of the Federal Government to provide an overview on number and quality of the numerous offers and services by charitable organisations in the field of integration. The study also included an evaluation of these services. Results and recommendations of the expert report were included in the respective chapters of the final report by the Independent Commission ( Bericht der Kommission).

Funding: Unabhängige Kommission "Zuwanderung", Berlin
Completed: March 2001
Researchers: Wolfgang Bosswick, Veit Bronnenmeyer
Publication: Bosswick, Wolfgang / Bronnenmeyer, Veit: Integrationsmaßnahmen der Wohlfahrtsverbände. Bamberg 2001

Integration-political aspects of controlled migration inflows

On behalf of the inter-ministry working group of the Bavarian State Government on Questions of Immigration Control and Immigration Limitation the efms compiled an expert report on integration-political aspects of controlled immigration. The expert report included an analysis of the current situation of migrant integration in Germany. In addition, it discussed the interconnection between the quantitative proportions of migration inflows and the opportunities for the integration of resident migrants. The comparative perspective with other European countries was also included.

Funding: Interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe der Bayerischen Staatsregierung
Completed: November 2000
Researchers: Friedrich Heckmann, Tanja Wunderlich, Susanne Worbs, Harald W. Lederer
Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich / Wunderlich, Tanja / Worbs, Susanne / Lederer, Harald W.: Integrationspolitische Aspekte einer gesteuerten Zuwanderung. Gutachten für die interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe der Bayerischen Staatsregierung zu Fragen der Zuwanderungssteuerung und Zuwanderungsbegrenzung, München 2000

Immigration society Germany - Future scenarios: Chances and conflict potential.
Expert report for the Enquete Commission Demographic Changes of the German Parliament.

In the expert report the experiences of the "classic" country of immigration, the United States, and the oldest European country of immigration, France, were illustrated. This served as a basis for the development of integration policies for migrants in Germany. The results were summarised in three scenarios.

Funding: Deutscher Bundestag
Completed: June 1997
Researchers: Friedrich Heckmann und Verónica Tomei
Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich / Tomei, Veronica: Einwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland - Zukunftsszenarien: Chancen und Konfliktpotentiale, Gutachten für die Enquetekommission Demographischer Wandel des Deutschen Bundestages, 1997. In: Zweiter Zwischenbericht der Enquete-Kommission Demographischer Wandel", Deutscher Bundestag, 13. Wahlperiode, Drucksache 13/11460, 05.10.1998; also in: Enquete-Kommission Demographischer Wandel", Deutscher Bundestag (ed.): Herausforderungen unserer älter werdenden Gesellschaft an den einzelnen und die Politik. Studienprogramm. Heidelberg 1999, Bd.4, p. 825-912.

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