Diversity in Teaching Profession, EcorysThe project funded by DG Education within
the scope of a framework contract analyses the diversity within the teaching
profession with particular focus on migrant and/or minority background in all
EU member states; it collects information on the barriers to entering and
remaining in the teaching profession for potential candidates with a mi-grant
and/or minority background, and analyses policies, strategies and initiatives
at Member State level which aim to encourage more migrants and/or cultural
minorities to enter the teaching force, taking into account their effectiveness
and impact. It further develops recommendations, including concrete policy
implications at EU and national level, based on the evidence gathered in the
efms is participating in a high level
expert panel steering the project. At the beginning of the project, efms
provided a state of the art report collecting, structuring and summarizing the
latest research on diversity within the teaching profession with a particular
focus on migrant and/or minority background. The report provided briefs on key
questions of the project in order to contextualize the study and to inform
subsequent research tasks, in particular for the country profiles and the case
Funding: DG
Education Duration: December
2014 - December 2015 Researcher: Wolfgang Bosswick