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Research areas
efms Services
Transatlantic Discourse
Human smuggling
Land of Ideas
Migration in Europe
10th efms anniversary
Research award
European Summer School
Naturalization ceremony
Citizenship law
5th efms anniversary
Naturalization procedure


Conferences, Seminars and Symposions of the efms

Since its foundation in 1993, the efms has organized numerous conferences, seminars and symposiums. Some conferences were organised in co-operation with other institutions with the efms being in charge of the concept development and implementation.

Naturalization ceremony
On 11 May 2000, the efms, in co-operation with the city of Bamberg, organised the first naturalization ceremony for recently naturalized migrants that was solemnly celebrated in Bavaria. With this idea the efms was selected as a landmark in the Land of Ideas in the year 2007.

Transatlantic Discourse on Integration
The efms promotes a transatlantic dialogue on the issues of migration and integration, which is supported by funds of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. For that purpose, the efms initiated the conference series titled "Transatlantic Discourse on Integration".

Migration in Europe
In co-operation with the Study Group "Migration - Integration - Ethnic Minorities" of the German Society of Demography (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie - DGD), the efms organised the autumn conference of the Study Group, which took place on 5 November. It was held at the Federal Institute for Population Research (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung) in Wiesbaden. Further information on the conference is available at the homepage of the Study Group.

Scientific Work for the Benefit of Migration Policy - 10 Years of efms
To celebrate its foundation in 1993, the efms organised an anniversary conference in Bamberg on 5 December 2003. The programme comprised a presentation of efms' research findings and projects to the 150 participants from Germany and abroad.

efms Migration and Integration Research Award
The research award endowed by the Sparkasse Bamberg (Savings Bank) was awarded to young researcher who had presented outstanding research papers on migration and integration. The last research award for the time being was awarded on the occasion of the European Summer School on Migration, Diversity and Identities, which was held at Vierzehnheiligen near Bamberg on 13 September 2003.

European Summer School on Migration, Diversity and Identities
From 4 - 13 September 2003, the efms organised the third European Summer School for doctoral students of nine European universities who had started their PhD. The Summer School with its ten-days intensive programme was attended by 46 doctoral students and 20 lecturers from countries throughout Europe.

Conferences between 1993 and 2000

Beyond National Borders - Integration of Migrants in Germany and Europe
In cooperation with the Politische Akademie Tutzing, the efms organised a conference held on 18 and 19 September 2000. Participants were representatives of local foreigners' authorities, welfare institutions, grass-root groups, foreigners' councils, labour offices and the media. Papers on integration of migrants from a local and an international perspective (Bavaria, Germany, Great Britain, France, The Netherlands and Switzerland) were presented and discussed. In addition, first empirical findings gathered within the field study of the EU research project EFFNATIS were presented.

2nd Workshop on Human Smuggling: Transatlantic Perspectives
The second seminar of a conference series on human smuggling was held from 4 - 5 June 2000 in Washington D.C.. It was organized in co-operation with the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University, Washington, and the Center for Global Change and Governance at Rutgers University, Newark. Like at the first conference in Tutzing, experts from government, police, academia, professional associations, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations participated in the two-days intensive discussions.

Naturalisation Ceremony and Migration Research Award
On 11 May 2000, the efms organized in co-operation with the City of Bamberg a naturalisation ceremony for recently naturalized migrants. This was the first time that such a ceremony for new German citizens took place in Bavaria. It was accompanied by the presentation of the efms award for outstanding publications in migration research efms Migration and Integration Research Award. More information and a short video is available on the website at naturalisation ceremony.

Workshop on Human Smuggling: Transatlantic Perspectives
In co-operation with the Politische Akademie Tutzing and the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University, Washington, the efms organized an international expert conference on human smuggling on 8 and 9 March 2000. Experts from government, police, academia, professional associations, non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations attended the conference that aimed at a transatlantic exchange of expert knowledge and the development of policy recommendations. The conference was part of a project funded by the German Marshall Fund of the United States. For more information on this project please refer to the project's homepage at Human Smuggling.

The New Naturalisation Law
This expert seminar was organised by the efms in co-operation with the Politische Akademie Tutzing and the Bayerische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildungsarbeit and took place in Tutzing from 15 - 16 June 1999. At the seminar, experts discussed with policy makers, officials from foreigners' administrations, migrants' organisations, consular officials and scientists the consequences and chances of the new German naturalisation law adopted in May 1999.

Migration und Integration in Europe
This was the title of the Symposium "Five Years european forum for migration studies", which took place in Bamberg on 15 May 1998 to offer a series of presentations from the current work of the efms. The papers presented at the symposium were published in a volume available at Forum Migration 5.

Practice of Naturalisation
In co-operation with the Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, the efms organised an expert workshop with the title The Naturalization Procedure and its Development: Tasks for the Administration, Associations and Politics that was held in Tutzing from 10 - 11 December 1996.

Labour Migration
In co-operation with the Bildungszentrum of the City of Nuremberg and the Chair for Auslandswissenschaft of the Faculty for Economics and Social Sciences of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, the efms organised the symposium "Labour Migration Germany and Southern Europe 1955-1995" that was held in Nuremberg from 7 - 8 December 1995.

Schengen Workshop
At this one-day expert workshop, held on 14 July 1995, practitioners and experts from administration, politics and academia discussed various aspects of the Schengen Treaty and its impact on migration policy. The papers of the workshop were published in a volume available at Forum Migration 2.

Immigration Law
In co-operation with the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, the efms organised an expert conference titled "Do we need an immigration law?", which took place in Bad Boll from 19 - 21 May 1995.

DGS Section Conference
In co-operation with the section Migration and Ethnic Minorities of the German Society for Sociology, the efms organised the conference "Ethnic Conflicts", which took place in Bamberg from 25 - 26 March 1994..

Foundation Symposium Migration Policies - a Comparative Perspective
On the occasion of the foundation of the efms, an international conference organised by the institute was held in Bamberg from 25 - 28 November 1993. At this international conference, which was held in English, lecturers from various European countries and from overseas offered their contributions and discussed questions of migration policy in an international and comparative context. The revised conference papers were published in a volume available at Forum Migration 1.

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