Science-Society Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe (DIAMINT)
The social sciences have played a key role in shaping public understanding of immigrant integration. The project Science-Society Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe (DIAMINT) assesses how research-policy dialogues on this topic have developed into much more complex science-society dialogues over recent decades.
Therefore, this research project provides an in-depth analysis of how social transformations, like increasing reflexivity as well as contextuality and uncertainty of knowledge claims, contributed to a reconfiguration of science-society dialogues on immigrant integration in a number of European countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom) as well as on the EU level. The efms is responsible for the project's activity in Germany. The Dutch research team from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is responsible for the coordination of the overall project.
Volkswagen Foundation
Project manager:
Prof. Friedrich Heckmann
Delia Wiest