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Research areas
Integration Processes
ALFIRK Network
EUDiM Diversity
Educational Career
Metropolitan Region
Concordia Discors
AKDN Study
Frankfurt 2008
Migrant Youth
EMN Study
Frankfurt 2001
Integration Policy
efms Services


Research area Integration Processes

Ongoing research projects

ALFIRK - Collaborative Networks for Migrant Parent Empowerment

This project seeks to address barriers in increased parental empowerment in education processes, particularly among migrant parents, by establishing migrant parent empowerment networks.
The partners are
: Economic and Social Research Institute/Ireland, Leeds Beckett University/United Kingdom, Migration Policy Group/Belgium, Multi Kulti Collective/Bulgaria, Risbo/The Netherlands, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona/Spain and efms/Germany.

Funding: European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Erasmus+
Project Duration: September 2015 - September 2018
Researcher: Claudia Koehler

Completed research projects

EUDiM - Managing cultural diversity in small and medium-sized organizations
In response to a more and more culturally diverse workforce, a number of European private companies and public institutions have initiated so-called management of diversity programs. Despite increased research on this topic during the last years disagreement over what management of diversity means is restraining the development of a coherent body of knowledge. Much work is hypothetical and findings of empirical studies about diversity management are still fragmented and inconsistent.

Funding: Bayreuth Research Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BF/M), affiliated with the University of Bayreuth
Duration: December 2013 - June 2015
Researcher: Luisa Seiler

Why Nuremberg Metropolitan Region?

The efms analyses the motives of qualified employees for migrating to the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. The target group consists of skilled professionals from Germany and abroad who moved to the Metropolitan Region during the past five years. A special focus is given to the assessment of various life conditions in the Metropolitan Region, as well as to the evaluation of support by the municipalities and the employer upon arrival.

Funding: IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken (Allianz für Fachkräfte)
Duration: Summer 2013
Researcher: Doris Lüken-Klaßen, Edda Currle, Susanne Bartig, Friederike Schlücker

Ethnic inequalities across the educational career: Trends since 2005

The project aims at describing the educational situation of children, adolescents and young adults of immigrant origin in Germany. By analyzing several large-scale data sets we study ethnic educational inequalities across various stages of the educational career for different migrant groups.

Funding: Mercator Foundation, Cluster "Integration"
Duration: December 2013
Researcher: Hanna-Rieke Baur, Richard König, Claudia Köhler

IMPACIM: Impact of Admission Criteria on the Integration of Migrants

The project IMPACIM deals with the integration of non-EU family migrants, notably with the legal rights and restrictions that family migrants meet upon entering the new country and enable or hamper their (post-entry) admission to society. The project covers four EU Member States: Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Funding: European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants (EIF)
Duration: January 2012 - June 2013
Researcher: Doris Lüken-Klaßen

Concordia Discors: Understanding Conflict and Integration Outcomes of Inter-Group Relations and Integration Policies in selected Neighbourhoods of Five European Cities

The project Concordia Discors analysed inter-ethnic relations in selected districts of cities in Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Hungary and Germany. The efms was responsible for research done in Germany.

Funding: European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants (EIF)
Project duration: January 2011 - June 2012
Researcher: Claudia Köhler
Publication: Köhler, Claudia: Nuremberg Background Report, Nuremberg 2011

Integration Study Bavaria

On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for Work and Social Order, Family and Women, the efms was researching the status of the integration of the population with a migration background in Bavaria.

Funding: Bavarian State Ministry for Work and Social Order, Family and Women
Completed: Oktober 2010
Researcher: Friedrich Heckmann, Anna Lutz
Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich, Lutz, Anna: Die Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund in Bayern. Stand der Integration und integrationspolitische Maßnahmen. Munich 2010

Development of an Integration Concept for the City of Schwäbisch Gmünd

The efms was elaborating an integration concept for the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd with regard to residents with migration background. The initial point of the concept development constituted a profound analysis of the efms on the current integration situation in the city. Subsequently, the elaboration of the concept emerged through a participative process with the involvement of the relevant actors on the spot.

Funding: City of Schwäbisch Gmünd
Duration: May 2008 - May 2009
Researchers: Doris Lüken-Klaßen, Judith Halisch
efms: Miteinander in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Grundlagen des städtischen Integrationskonzepts, Bamberg 2008
Halisch, Judith; Lüken-Klaßen, Doris: Integrationsbericht Schwäbisch Gmünd, Bamberg 2008
Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd (ed.): Miteinander in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Integrationskonzept, Schwäbisch Gmünd 2009

Social Inclusion Study Among Selected Groups of Migrant Background in Germany

On behalf of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), the efms conducted a study examining the integration of Afghans, Iranians and Pakistanis in Germany on the basis of local studies in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Stuttgart.

Funding: Aga Khan Development Network
Duration: May 2008 - January 2009
Researcher: Claudia Köhler

Integration study in Frankfurt 2008

On behalf of the Office for Multicultural Affairs in Frankfurt/Main the efms conducted a new edition of the Study on the integration of immigrants and Germans in Frankfurt am Main with special focus on three selected city districts which was completed in 2001.

Funding: City of Frankfurt/Main
Completed: June 2008
Researcher: Judith Halisch
Halisch, Judith: Frankfurter Integrationsstudie 2008. AMKA Frankfurt 2008, 318 pages
Halisch, Judith: Frankfurter Integrationsstudie 2008. Kurzfassung. AMKA Frankfurt 2008, 34 pages
Halisch, Judith: Frankfurter Integrationsstudie 2008. Anhang. AMKA Frankfurt 2008, 84 pages

INTPOL Study: Integration and Integration Policies

The study conducted by the efms as a member of the IMISCOE Network of Excellence focused on the integration of migrants with regard to local and national policy. The study developed strategic guidelines for common research on migration and the integration of migrants, and presented proposals for core research lines for the activities of the Network.

Funding: EU
Completed: April 2005
Researchers: Prof. Friedrich Heckmann
Publication: efms INTPOL team: Integration and Integration Policies. IMISCOE Network Feasibility Study 2006. Bamberg 2006

Dimensions of Integration - Migrant Youth in Central European Countries

The efms was the German partner in an IOM-funded research project which compared the integration of young migrants in Poland, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic

Funding: IOM
Completed: March 2005
Researcher: Richard Wolf
Publication: Richard Wolf/ Mihaela Tudose: Country Report on Germany. In: Dimensions of Integration: Migrant Youth in Central European Countries. IOM Vienna 2005, pp. 109-146

EMN study: The impact of immigration on German society

In the context of an extensive pilot study on the impact of immigration on European societies, which the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge - BAMF) commissioned as a national contact point for Germany in the European Migration Network (EMN) the efms dealt with the part on "Civil society and cultural context" and compiled a bibliography on the subject.

Funding: EMN/Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)
Completed: August 2004
Researchers: Edda Currle, Veronika Vitt
Der Einfluss von Zuwanderung auf die deutsche Gesellschaft. Forschungsbericht 1 des BAMF. Nürnberg 2005 (in German)
The Impact of Immigration on Germany's Society. The German Contribution to the Pilot Research Study "The Impact of Immigration on Europe's Societies" within the framework of the European Migration Network. Nürnberg 2005

Naturalisation and integration: Subjective dimensions of the change of citizenship

The project examined the subjective dimensions of naturalisation, such as motives for naturalisation, perception of social and economic opportunities, possibilities of political participation after gaining citizenship, emotions associated with the naturalisation process, cultural interests as well as feelings of belonging and loyalty. By using qualitative interviews the project generated empirically substantiated hypotheses on the "subjective meaning" of naturalisation in the overall context of the integration process.

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Completed: November 2003
Researchers: Tanja Wunderlich, Susanne Worbs
Publication: Tanja Wunderlich: Die neuen Deutschen. Subjektive Dimensionen des Einbürgerungsprozesses. Forum Migration 9. Stuttgart 2005

Research project on the situation regarding the integration of immigrants and Germans in Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt has a population that is strongly characterised by immigration; almost every third person does not have a German passport. Besides non-Germans and naturalised migrants there is a third group of persons in the context of migration: ethnic Germans (Spätaussiedler). The objective of this project was to examine the demands and problems of integration in the receiving society in a concrete urban context. The following research methods were applied: analysis of official and non-official statistics, expert interviews, qualitative partially structured interviews and a quantitative written survey.

Funding: Stadt Frankfurt a. M.
Completed: 30. Mai 2001
Researcher: Gaby Straßburger
Straßburger, Gaby: Evaluation von Integrationsprozessen in Frankfurt am Main. AMKA, Frankfurt 2001, 290 pages (full version, in German)
Straßburger, Gaby: Evaluation von Integrationsprozessen in Frankfurt am Main. AMKA, Frankfurt 2001, 20 pages (short version, in German)

EFFNATIS - Effectiveness of National Integration Strategies towards Second Generation Migrant Youth in a Comparative European Perspective

The research project examined the effectiveness of policies and strategies aimed at integrating young second-generation migrants in contemporary European societies. The core of the project was an empirical study on the integration strategies in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. This empirical study was supplemented by a number of country reports and secondary analyses of existing research findings on integration in the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Finland and Switzerland. Another element of the project was an analysis of Labour Force Survey data on the structural integration of young migrants.

Funding: European Union, DG XII, TSER-Programmme
Completed: December 2000
Researchers: Friedrich Heckmann, Roger Penn (Lancaster), Dominique Schnapper (Paris), Rinus Penninx (Amsterdam), Charles Westin (Stockholm), Rosa Aparicio Gomez (Madrid), Eve Kyntäjä (Helsinki), Andreas Wimmer (Neuchâtel), Reiner Dinkel (Rostock).
Final Report to the EU Commission: Effectiveness of National Integration Strategies towards Second Generation Migrant Youth in Comparative European Perspective. Bamberg 2001, 125 pages

Friedrich Heckmann/Dominique Schnapper (eds.): The Integration of Immigrants in European Societies. National Differences and Trends of Convergence. Forum Migration 7. Stuttgart 2003

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