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Research areas
Migration policy
 Statistical reports
 Migration Theory
 Illegal Migration
efms Services


Research area Migration

One primary focus of the institute's work is migration. Migration is understood here as the long-term relocation of people across international borders for the purpose of changing their main sphere of life. The research area of migration at the efms covers the following main emphases:

Migration policy

From the very beginning one key of work at the efms has been research on migration policy. In addition to looking at Germany, the projects also examine "classical" countries of immigration, other European countries and the European Union.

Statistical reports

Statistical reports on migration is one of the institute's key tasks. It was begun when the efms was founded in 1993 and has been continued ever since.

Migration theory

The efms carries out basic research on international migration. In addition to a number of empirical projects, this also includes research on migration theory.

Illegal Migration

For several years the efms has carried out projects on illegal migration and associated phenomena, such as illegal employment, human smuggling and trafficking.

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