Feasibility Study "Standardized Data Collection for the Purpose of Proving Discrimination!? Current Situation and Future Perspectives"
Commissioned by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency the efms currently carries out a feasibility study on the benefits and limits of standardized data collection of cases of discrimination for the purpose of gaining insights into the phenomenon of discrimination in Germany. To pursue this objective, the efms compiles a comprehensive overview on statutory and non-governmental organisations and bodies that register cases and complaints of discrimination on any of the grounds listed in Sec. 1 of German equality law AGG (ethnic origin, religion/belief, sexual identity, age, sex and disability). The feasibility study focuses particularly on examining the similarities and divergences of the various registration and documentation systems employed by these anti-discrimination organisations and bodies.
The core aim of the study is to find practical answers to the question as to whether and, if so, how a standardized collection of such complaints of discrimination can be put into practice in Germany - taking into account both the existing variety of data collection systems and aspects of fundamental rights regarding data protection.
Funding: Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes)
Completion: May 2010 Researcher: Mario Peucker, Claudia Lechner
Peucker, Mario; Lechner, Claudia: Machbarkeitsstudie "Standardisierte Datenerhebung zum Nachweis von Diskriminierung!? - Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick". Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (ADS), Berlin 2010