Concordia Discors: Understanding Conflict and Integration Outcomes of Inter-Group Relations and Integration Policies in selected Neighbourhoods of Five European Cities
The project analysed inter-ethnic relations in selected districts of one city in each of five participating European countries (Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Hungary and Germany). The city that has been analysed in Germany is Nuremberg. In reconstructing the preconditions of conflicts as well as of the absence of conflicts, the project aimed to gain knowledge about possibilities to avoid conflicts.
Both the local comparison and the comparison between the participating countries serve as tools for developing recommendations for inter-ethnic relations in the context of city neighbourhoods. The method of analysis combines ethnographic research, policy and media analysis as well as the analysis of municipal statistics.
The partner research institutes are FIERI (Forum on International and European Migration Research, Italy), COMPAS (Centre on Migration Policy and Society, UK), TARKI (Social Research Institute, Hungary) and GAM-UAB (Migration Research Group, Spain).
Click here for more information about the project.
Funding: European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants (EIF)
Project duration: January 2011 - June 2012
Researcher: Claudia Köhler
Köhler, Claudia: Nuremberg Background Report, Nuremberg 2011