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Research areas
Integration Processes
ALFIRK Network
EUDiM Diversity
Educational Career
Metropolitan Region
Concordia Discors
AKDN Study
Frankfurt 2008
Migrant Youth
EMN Study
Frankfurt 2001
Integration Policy
efms Services


The Impact of Immigration on the German Society

The objective of the European Migration Network (EMN), which was set up by the European Commission in Brussels, is to provide the organs of the European Union (Commission, Council, Parliament), the Member States involved in the network, and in the long term also the general public with objective, reliable and comparable data and information on the fields of migration and asylum. This is to be done with the aid of national contact points which have been established in 17 EU countries so far. The work of the national contact points, each with its own national network, is intended to contribute to developing a systematic basis for the monitoring and analysis of the complex phenomena of migration and asylum.

In the summer of 2004 the EMN commissioned a pilot research project on the subject "The Impact of Immigration on Europe's Societies". The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, as the national contact point for Germany in the European Migration Network, in turn commissioned partners of the national network, one of which is the efms, to work on individual parts of the study.

The efms compiled a study and a bibliography on the section "Civil society and cultural context".

The study deals with the question of what effects immigrants, their networks and their culture have on German society. For this purpose the study examined the areas of migrant associations, religion, sports, food, media, music, language, literature, the film industry, fashion and the fine arts.
Another task of the study was to make a compilation of scientific literature related to this subject, to process it and enter it into the EMN database.

Funding: EMN/ Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)
Term of contract: June - August 2004
Researchers: Edda Currle, Veronika Vitt
Der Einfluss von Zuwanderung auf die deutsche Gesellschaft. Forschungsbericht 1 des BAMF. Nürnberg 2005
The Impact of Immigration on Germany's Society. The German Contribution to the Pilot Research Study "The Impact of Immigration on Europe's Societies" within the framework of the European Migration Network. Nürnberg 2005

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