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Projects aiming to promote the active participation of residents with and without a migration background in the neighbourhood

The efms is commissioned to evaluate two neighbourhood-based projects in Nuremberg and Erlangen, which apply different approaches to achieve the same aim: the active participation of native and migrant residents in the neighbourhood. Both pilot projects are funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) for the duration of one year.

The Nuremberg-based project "Promoting Participation - Living Democracy. Participation-oriented neighbourhood development: Establishing an Intercultural Garden in Nuremberg-Langwasser" is coordinated by the local civil society organisation Zentrum Aktiver Bürger (ZAB). The project's aim is to promote the active participation of local residents with and without a migration background by jointly establishing an Intercultural Garden in the neighbourhood Nuremberg-Langwasser.

In Erlangen, the housing company of the City of Erlangen, GEWOBAU, similarly seeks to strengthen the participation of native and migrant residents in the neighbourhood Anger. The project "We shape our neighbourhood together. Empowerment of tenants and local residents with and without a migration background" encompass intercultural trainings for actors who are relevant to participation processes in the neighbourhood; in the course of the twelve-month project, additional methods of activating and promoting the residents' participation are being selected and tested.

The efms evaluates both projects simultaneously, but with different methodological designs. On the one hand, the structure, impact and effects of the individual project activities are being analysed. One the other hand, the efms will compile practical recommendations for the implementation of such neighbourhood-related participation projects in other local context. The latter aim will be pursued by comparatively examining the evaluation of both projects, seeking to extract general principles of success by analysing the projects' divergent approaches to achieve the same objective.

Commissioned by: Zentrum Aktiver Bürger (ZAB), GEWOBAU Erlangen
Completed: August 2010
Researcher: Mario Peucker
Publication: Peucker, Mario: Aktive Beteiligung und Teilhabe von Menschen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund . Evaluation zweier stadtteilbezogener Partizipationsprojekte in Nürnberg-Langwasser und Erlangen-Anger, Bamberg 2010

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