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Muslim communities
Anti-prejudice Training in Nürnberg
Diesterweg-School Work Shop
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Diesterweg-School Work Shop

The Diesterweg-Schulwerkstatt (Diesterweg-School Work Shop) - information and support for teachers for including families in the process of school education - supplements and extends the Diesterweg-Stipendium (Diesterweg-Scholarship) - an educational family scholarship for children and their parents. As a qualification offer for teachers and schools, the Diesterweg-Work Shop aims at a wide transfer of the experiences and knowledge gained from the Diesterweg-Scholarship and at implementing respective projects at the school level. Approaches of effectively including families in school - and out of school education will be brought together. The Diesterweg-Work Shop is intended to represent a forum for internal and external exchange of schools and as a support for the management of the transition from primary to secondary school. Moreover, measures for teacher qualification are offered. The focus is on the educational success particularly of children and families in difficult living circumstances.

The efms evaluates the project. In the frame of the process evaluation, expert interviews on the goals and theory of the project are conducted with the project coordinators. For the programme evaluation, expert interviews with the project coordination, feedback questionnaires on the conducted measures and participatory observation serve as the methodology. For the impact estimation, a survey will be conducted among the participating teachers and head masters at the end of the project, as well as expert interviews with the project coordination. Based on pre-results of the evaluation it will be possible to deliver proposals for the improvement and enhancement of the ongoing programme.

Commissioned by: Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main
Completion: October 2014
Researcher: Claudia Köhler

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