Migration and Integration in Numbers (MIZ) Migration is a complex phenomenon and when researching it in more detail the question as to the quantitative proportions is essential. For instance, for a discussion it is absolutely necessary to know the precise figures not only on migration inflows but also on outflows. In this context not only figures concerning the geographical migration movements are of special interest, but also data on the integration of the migrants in the receiving society.
Different official and academic organisations work in the migration-relevant areas of society, resulting in a patchwork picture of the overall migration data. It is therefore necessary first to identify the existing sources (official statistics, estimates, academic research), to evaluate them critically and to select the relevant data for our purpose. When assessing this material, particular attention should be paid to conceptual and methodological weaknesses. Comments on the relevance of the data and figures are therefore a central aspect of this book. The ways the data were collected (e.g. Who collects and publishes the data?) as well as their legal background are documented, as are other aspects. Special attention is also paid to obtaining figures which are often neglected in public debate (e.g. figures on outflows and re-migration).
This documentation is designed as a handbook of the regular reports, a kind of data information system which is updated on a regular basis. The reports are intended to present the European perspective of migration and integration, although there is a special focus on the Federal Republic of Germany as it is the country with the largest number of migrants in Europe and plays a central (European) role in many respects.
In addition, population data and figures on the classic immigration countries the United States, Canada and Australia are included. In order to obtain information on the quality of the official statistics and the studies received, expert interviews were carried out on the various topics.
Funding: Stiftung Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt (Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment) / Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen (Federal Commissioner for Foreigners)
Completed: December 1997
Researcher: Harald W. Lederer
Forum Migration 4. Migration und Integration in Zahlen. Ein Handbuch. Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerangelegenheiten (ed.), Harald W. Lederer (author). Bonn 1997 (in German)
CD ROM Migration und Integration in Zahlen. Ausgabe 1997. europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (ed.), Harald W. Lederer (author). Bamberg 1997 (in German)