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Foreigners in Germany
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Ethnic Germans
Asylum applications
Migration Report
efms Papers
Migration Guide

© 1997 efms

The following pages give you selected statistics on the migration situation in Germany as charts. Most of the charts are referring to the Federal Republic of Germany, some include coparisions to other countries. The charts are commented in German language.
These statistics are a selection from the efms publication Migration und Integration in ZahlenMigration und Integration in Zahlen. Ein Handbuch. It was published by the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen in 1997. The current version of this handbook including the respective laws and regulation texts are available as a Migration und Integration in ZahlenCD ROM.

of foreigners in GermanyNumber of foreigners in Germany: Development of the number of foreign citizens in Germany since 1967
Foreigners InternationalForeigners InternationalForeigners in an international comparision: Development of the number of foreign citizens in selected countries since 1981
NaturalizationNaturalizationNaturalization of foreigners in Germany: Development of the number of naturalizations in Germany (Ermessenseinbürgerungen: Naturalizations granted by the authorities, Anspruchseinbürgerungen: Naturalizations due to legal claims) since 1972
ResidenceResidenceDuration of residence of foreign nationals in Germany: Foreign nationals resident in Germany in 1996
Foreigners in the single LänderForeigners in the single LänderForeigners in the single Länder: Overview on the distribution of foreign nationals to the German Länder in 1996
schools studentsschools studentsForeign and German schools students: Development of the number of foreign and German schools students in Germany since 1964
Foreign employeesForeign employeesForeign employees in the German labour market: Development of the number of foreigners employed legally in the German labour market since 1973

Unemployment of foreignersUnemployment of foreignersUnemployment of foreigners: Development of the total unemployment of foreign workers in Germany since 1980
Right wing violenceRight wing violenceRight wing extremism and xenophobic violence: Development of right wing or xenophobic criminal offences against foreigners in Germany since 1982
Net migrationNet migrationImmigration and emigration crossing German border: Immigration and emigration crossing German border since 1960

GermansEthnic GermansRegion of origin of ethnic German immigrants: Development of the region of origin since 1970
Asylum ApplicationsAsylum ApplicationsDevelopment of asylum application numbers: Asylum applicants in Germany since 1959
War refugeesWar refugeesWar refugees from the former Yugoslavia: Refuge of victims from the war in former Yugoslavia in various European countries in 1995
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15. Dezember 1997

Harald Lederer
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