European Network HumanitarianNet
Within its participation in the sub-group Migration, Multiculturality and Ethnic Conflict, the efms is involved in a survey on teaching and research activities about these topics at European universities. In the previous project, ProHuman (Thematic Network, DGXXII), this sub-group drew up a questionnaire – within a pilot project – to register current research projects, courses of study and seminars as well as lectures at the universities participating in the network, which was later extended to comprise also other European universities. A standardised evaluation of the performance shown in the university courses was carried out according to the European Credit Transfer System. The other four sub-groups of the network (Poverty and Development / Human Rights / Peace Studies / Humanitarian Assistance) carried out a similar survey. The collected data was registered, supplemented and pre-analysed by the co-ordinator Deusto University Bilbao; the final analysis was carried out by the network participants in workshops. The results of the survey and contributions on the topic were discussed on two conferences in Bilbao and are available as book publication, as CD ROM and on a WWW data base .
The data base is continuously updated by the participating universities and serves as an information source for students planning to study abroad at European universities.Based on the results of the survey, the sub-group Migration, Multiculturality and Ethnic Conflict developed a concept for a postgraduate qualification on the topic of the thematic group. In this context the project European PhD in Migration, Identities and Diversity was developed.
Funding: EU Commission, DG XXII
Completion: May2000
Local Researcher: Wolfgang Bosswick
Publication: Wolfgang Bosswick/Peter Jackson: Thematic Study: Migration, Multiculturality and Ethnic Conflict. In: Julia Gonzalez, Wilhelm Löwenstein, Mo Malek (eds.): Humanitarian Development Studies in Europe. Assessment of Universities "Training and NGOs" Needs. Bilbao 1999, 41-51. Wolfgang Bosswick: Minorities, policies and strategies in Europe: Germany. In: David Turton, Julia Gonzalez (eds.): Cultural Identites and Ethnic Minorities in Europe. Bilbao 1999, 51-56.