Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP)
Since February 2010, the efms has been a member of the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP), established by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 2008 as the main channel for cooperation and information exchange between the civil society in Europe and the FRA. Some 300 non-governmental organisations across Europe are involved in this platform. The specific tasks of the Platform are:
- to make suggestions on the Annual Work Programme
- to give feedback and suggest follow-up on the Annual Report
- to communicate outcomes and recommendations of conferences, seminars and meetings relevant to the work of the Agency.
In addition, the Agency will interact with the participants of the Fundamental Rights Platform in accordance with specific needs related to areas identified as a priority for the Agency's work.
Funding: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights FRA, Vienna
Researcher: Claudia Lechner, Luisa Seiler