European Migration Network (EMN)
With the assistance of the National Contact Points the European Migration Network (EMN) is intended to provide data and information on the areas of migration and asylum that are objective and reliable and can be compared at EU level, in the medium term to the organs of the European Community (Commission, Council, Parliament) and to the Member States involved in the network, and in the long term also to the wider public.
The work of the national contact points, of which each disposes of its own national network, is aimed at contributing to systematically gather basic data to be used for the surveillance and analysis of the complex phenomenon of migration and asylum. The efms is member of the network of the German national contact point, the Federal Office for Migration und Refugees (BAMF), Nuremberg. The network of the BAMF consists of experts from universities, research facilities, international organisations and state agencies. The German network partners are cited on: German network partners.
An overview on the studies of the BAMF for the European Migration Network is given on: EMN publications.
The efms participated in different studies for the EMN:
The Impact of Immigration on Germany's Society. The German Contribution to the Pilot Research Study "The Impact of Immigration on Europe's Societies" within the framework of the European Migration Network. Nuremberg 2005
Voluntary and Forced Return of Third Country Nationals from Germany. Research Study 2006 in the framework of the European Migration Network. Nuremberg 2007
Zuwanderung und Asyl in Deutschland: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven aus Sicht der deutschen Partner im Europäischen Migrationsnetzwerk. Nuremberg 2007
Funding: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Nuremberg
Researcher at the efms: Friedrich Heckmann, Edda Currle