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Prof. Friedrich Heckmann
Prof. Daniel Goeler
Wolfgang Bosswick
Maria Matreux
Susanne Bartig
Claudia Koehler
Claudia Lechner
Doris Lüken-Klaßen
Stefanie Reiter
Luisa Seiler
Nevin Uca
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Presentations of Doris Lüken-Klaßen

02.06.2016 Einwanderungsland wider Willen? Migration und Integration in Deutschland
Presentation on "Germany - involuntarily immigration country?", Adult Ecucation Centre (Volkshochschule), Bamberg, Germany

19.04.2016 Integration kann gelingen - aber wie?
Presentation on the integration of refugees in the course of a dialogue forum of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Bamberg, Germany

20.03.2016 Einwanderungsland wider Willen? Migration und Integration in Deutschland
Presentation on "Germany - involuntarily immigration country?", Adult Ecucation Centre (Volkshochschule), Bamberg, Germany

09.10.2015 Politische Teilhabe für Ausländer? Wahlrecht und seine Hintergründe in Deutschland
Presentation on political participation of foreigners. Round table discussion organised by the Migrant and Integration Counsil and the Adult Education Centre (Volkshochschule, VHS) in the course of the intercultural weeks, Bamberg, Germany

23.09.2015 Zuwanderung nach Deutschland - Integration und Ehrenamt
Presentation on immigration, integration and the role of volunteers. Kickoff meeting of a volunteer integration project called "Integrationspaten", Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) and Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO), Bamberg, Germany

17.09.2015 Wohnen und Integration - Maßnahmen und Projekte
Presentation on housing and integration, 26. Münsteraner Wohnungswirtschaftliche Gespräche: "Preisgünstiges Wohnen in wachsenden Städten, Münster, Germany

26.07.2013 Zuwanderung und Integration von Familienmigranten
Round Table "Familienmigration", within the European project IMPACIM - The Impact of Restrictions and Entitlements on the Integration of Family Migrants, Town Hall Bamberg

12.10.2012 Interkulturelle Öffnung von Einrichtungen. Warum eigentlich - und wie?
6. round table on local integration policy of the city of Bamberg, Germany

23.05.2012 Kommunale integrationspolitische Ansätze - Erfahrungen, Fallstricke und Bedarfe
Workshop "Gemeinwesenorientierte Integrationsprojekte", German Red Cross, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

07.04.2011 Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue - Experiences from European Cities
3rd Expert Seminar on the European Modules on Migrant Integration, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

18.11.2010 Interkultureller Dialog und Intergruppenbeziehungen in Stuttgart und Europa
Presentation and discussion of the CLIP study, Stuttgart, Germany

09.09.2010 Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der kommunalen Integrationsmessung - Quantifizierung der Einwohner mit Migrationshintergrund mit dem Programm MigraPro
Workshop about the Monitoring of Integration, Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe, Wiesbaden, Germany

04.05.2010 Religious Plurality in Europe - Challenges and Policies of European Cities
"Introducing and reviewing methods of migrants activation, participation and mutual integration", The Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME), Brussels, Belgium

16.03.2010 Meeting the challenge of intergroup relations: intercultural policies of European cities
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Meeting of the Committee on Social Cohesion, Strasbourg, France

16.01.2010 Die Entwicklung eines kommunalen Integrationskonzepts
Meeting of the network frühstart, Hertie Foundation, Mainz, Germany

30.11.2009 Intercultural policies to meet religious needs and foster inter-religious dialogue: good practices
"High Level Conference Intercultural approaches to community-building and cohesion in European cities. What can European integration policy learn from cities on how to manage migration and diversity in times of economic slump?", European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), European Union, Council of Europe, Open Society Institute (OSI), Network of European Foundations (NEF), Brussels, Belgium

16.10.2009 Religiöse Pluralität in Europa - Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze europäischer Städte
"Religion und Integration in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft", University of Münster, German Political Science Association (DVPW), section migration policy, Ministry for Intergenerational Affairs, Family, Women and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster, Germany

21.09.2009 Intergroup Relations and Intercultural Policies in European Cities. Findings from the CLIP project
7th Meeting of the CLIP Network "Intercultural policies in European cities", European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), city of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

20.06.2009 Miteinander in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Ergebnisse des Integrationsberichts
First local "Integration Conference" of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

25.03.2009 The European city network CLIP - challenges and advantages for the city of Sundsvall
Committee for Labour Market, Adult Education and Integration (NAVI) of the city of Sundsvall, Sweden

18.02.2009 Interkultureller und interreligiöser Dialog in Stuttgart
Round Table "Interkultureller und interreligiöser Dialog" in the City Hall Stuttgart, Germany

28.01.2009 Intergroup relations on the local level - official policies and implemented measures
"IMISCOE PhD winter school", Network of Excellence "International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion" (IMISCOE), Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), Paris, France

02.12.2008 Der Umgang mit Segregation und benachteiligten Wohnquartieren im europäischen Vergleich
Workshop "Neue Bewohner in benachteiligten Wohnquartieren - kann die nachträgliche Mischung ein Schritt zu einer besseren Integration im Stadtteil sein?", Schader Foundation, German Association of Cities, Federal association of German housing and real estate enterprise registered associations (GdW) of the project "Immigrants in the City", Darmstadt, Germany

16.10.2008 Miteinander in Schwäbisch Gmünd
First meeting of local experts to develop a local integration policy concept, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

18.07.2008 Ein Integrationskonzept für Schwäbisch Gmünd
Network "Netzwerk Integration", Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

21.05.2008 Learning in networks - the example of the European city network CLIP
Seminar "La política de inmigración en Europa. Retos actuales - Immigration policy in Europe. Current challenges", European Institute of Public Administration - European Centre for the Regions (EIPA-ECR), Basque Institute of Public Administration (IVAP), Bilbao, Spain

13.09.2007 Stuttgarter Diversitätspolitik
Round Table "Diversitätspolitik" in the City Hall Stuttgart, Germany

04.12.2006 Welcome and introduction: The Impact of the Media on the Integration Process
"Transatlantic Discourse on Integration: The Impact of the Media on the Integration Process in Europe and the United States", european forum for migration studies (efms), The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), Berlin, Germany

14.07.2006 Welcome and introduction to the conference: good and bad segregation?
"Transatlantic Discourse on Integration: Integration of Migrants and Local Housing Policies in Germany and the U.S.", european forum for migration studies (efms), The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), Berlin, Germany

07.02.2006 Wohnpolitik zur Integration von Migranten
Round Table "Wohnen und Segregation" in the City Hall Stuttgart, Germany

08.09.2005 Nutzen familienfreundlicher Unternehmenspolitik
Bavarian Elite-Academy, Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany

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