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efms Migration Report

August 1994

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Repatriation agreement: deported Vietnamese migrants

Vietnam refuses to repatriate declined asylum-seekers and former contractual workers of the German Democratic Republic. The German government wants to increase the pressure: if Vietnam keeps on refusing, economic cooperation will be denied and cooperation agreements between Vietnam and the EU will be blocked. Further negotiations about a repatriation agreement are in progress.

Welt 14.07.94 // SZ 01.08.94 // NZ 23.08.94 // SZ 24.08.94 // FR 17.09.94 // SZ 28.09.94 // taz 24.10.94

Guestworker recruitment in Russia

Each year the German government issues working contracts to 2,000 men and women for a period of 12 to 18 months. Officially, these working contracts are registered as further education programmes.

Spiegel 01.08.94

Case of deportation of a foreigner from Germany at European Court of Justice

The European Court of Justice confirmed its judgement according to European law concerning the right of residence of Turkish people in the EU. According to the verdict, Turkish people are entitled to work permits if their parents are legally employed in one of the EU member states, provided that they have a completed job qualification.

Spiegel 08.08.94 // MNS 137/August 1994 // SZ 08.10.94 // FAZ 10.10.94

Legal scandal at the district court of Mannheim: Deckert verdict

The sentence of the NPD leader Deckert for denying the mass murder of Jews in the Third Reich has been critized as being too mild. The explanation of the verdict caused a wave of indignation worldwide, as Decker was protected on the basis of making a good impression, having a strong character and sense of responsibility, clear principles and a strong commitment in championing his political principles. The verdict is turning into a legal scandal. The dismissal of the judges has been called for.

SZ 10.08.94 // Welt 12.08.94 // FAZ 11.08.94 // Spiegel 16.08.94 // Zeit 19.08.94 // FAZ 19.08.94

Illegal border crossings

The number of people crossing the German-Polish border illegally is increasing, smuggling organisations continue to operate actively. The smuggled persons mainly come from Rumania, the former Soviet Union and Bulgaria. They are mostly deported to Poland. At the Bavarian-Czech border, however, cases of smuggling are decreasing. Since the beginning of the year, the Bavarian border police apprehended 519 smugglers and 918 smuggled persons.

dpa 09.08.94 // NZ 07.09.94

Gambia is no longer a secure country of origin

The German government deleted Gambia from the list of secure countries of origin as a reaction of the military revolt in July.
dpa 17.08.94 // NN 16.09.94 // SZ 17.09.94

No more Kurds deported

The following federal states extend or expand the ban of deporting rejected Kurdish asylum-seekers which originally was limited to six months: Saxony Anhalt, North Rhine Westphalia, Saarland. The background for this decision is the fact that no national agreement could be reached at the Conference of the ministers for the Interior (IMK) in May. A proposal by the chairman of the IMK, Ziel (SPD), to have a hearing of the problem was rejected by the Federal Minister of the Interior Kanther due to diplomatic reasons.

FR 10.08.94 // SZ 23.08.94 // FR 24.08.94 // Spiegel 22.08.94

Protection from deportation

Since August 1, 1994 unaccompanied minors cannot be deported from the federal state of Hesse, if they are not taken care of in the country of origin. The background of this decision is the failure of a nation-wide agreement on protection from deportation.
FR 02.08.94 // dpa 02.08.94

Torture a reason for asylum for Kurds

The Hessian Administrative Court granted asylum to a Kurdish migrant who was tortured in Turkey as he was suspected to be a member of the PKK. The Court refrains from confirming this membership. This is a contradiction to existing verdicts, which did not grant asylum to people who were tortured as members of the PKK.

FR 10.08.94 // SZ 11.08.94

Asylum for othodox Christians

In opposition to the decision of the Federal Agency for The Recognition of Foreign Refugees, the Administrative Court Würzburg (Bavaria) granted asylum to a Syrian-orthodox family from south-east Turkey. Although their is no general repression of Christians in Turkey, the membership to the Christian-orthodox minority is sees as a reason for asylum.
NZ 20.08.94


The number of asylum-seekers in August amounted to 10,332 persons, that were 1,602 persons more than in July 1994. In the previous year (August 1994) 4,189 persons or 28.8% more asylum-seekers were registered. The largest group of asylum-seekers comes from former Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), amounting to 2,568 persons. This represents an increase by 657 persons compared to the previous month. The reasons for the increased numbers of asylum-seekers were, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, seasonal factors and good transportation facilities.

FAZ 07.09.94

August 1994

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