efms Migration Report
September 1994 |  | |  | |
Judge of Constitutional Court criticises asylum law
Federal Constitutional Judge Sommer, a member of the second senate of the Federal Constitutional Court, which has to decide whether the new asylum law is in accordance with the constitution, criticised the third country regulation and the regulation on secure countries of origin. He calls for a European agreement on the criteria on the admission of refugees. SZ 19.9.94
Extended stop of deportation for Bosnian refugees
The federal government as well as the German Laender extend the stop of deportation of Bosnian refugees until May 31, 1995. There is an estimated number of 330,000 Bosnian refugees staying in Germany. The majority are asylum applicants. SZ 15.9.94 // NZ 16.9.94
Reproaches from Nigeria: 24 deaths of Nigerian aslyum seekers since 1991
The Nigerian ambassador asked the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs for an investigation of the deaths of Nigerian asylum applicants. What triggered this request was a rejected Nigerian asylum applicant who had refused to be deported and who died at the end of August after an injection of tranquillizers. The German Federal Minister for the Interior, Kanther, rejected these accusations. FAZ 22.9.94 // FAZ 5.10.94
German Federal Minister for the Interior Kanther: Reproaches for Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The German Federal Minister for the Interior Kanther criticised that too many asylum applicants are entering Germany with visas. The embassies of Eastern European countries are issuing too many visas for Germany after inadequate checks of requirements. Kanther suggested to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Kinkel that the staff of the Federal Agency for the Recognition of Foreign Refugees might assist the embassies in the respective countries in deciding on visa applications. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs reacted with annoyance and rejected the suggestion. SZ 30.9.94 // SZ 1.10.94
Treatment of unaccompanied minors criticised
Following instructions by the Federal Minister for the Interior Kanther, the federal border authorities are applying the accelerated airport proceedings to unaccompanied minors. According to the Administrative Court Frankfurt these proceedings violate the UN Childrenâ€TMs Convention. FAZ 17.9.94
Repatriation agreement with Bulgaria
A repatriation agreement with Bulgaria was signed on September 9, 1994, in which Bulgaria agreed to take back persons that had entered Germany illegally. There are currently about 12,000 Bulgarians staying in Germany with no residence permit. FAZ 10.9.94
Compared to August, the number of asylum seekers has slightly increased to 10,867 persons. Compared to the previous year, the number has dropped by 6,000. With 2,954 persons, there have been more asylum applications from former Yugoslavia, 388 more than in August. SZ 7.10.94 September 1994 |  | |  | |