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Publications: Series "Transatlantic Discourse on Integration"

Transatlantic Discourse on Integration 1: Amnesty for Illegal Migrants?

With this volume, the efms publishes the outcomes of the workshop "Amnesty for Illegal Migrants?" that was organised by the efms in Berlin in April 2005.

Both in the United States and in Europe, measures to fight illegal immigration are discussed controversially. The workshop, which was organised as part of the conference series "Transatlantic Discourse on Integration", was attended by international experts to discuss the experiences gained with amnesty programmes in Europe: Are the outcomes of amnesty programmes efficient or do they have mostly unintended effects? Which political alternatives could be favoured instead?

Both the European countries and the states of the US are facing the challenge to cope with an increasing number of undocumented immigrants living in their countries. Which political instruments are available, which legal provisions could be adopted to adequately take into consideration security aspects and to satisfy at the same time humanitarian aspects? While some European countries opted to adopt amnesty programmes, the proposal of US president Bush to implement a "guest worker' programme" boosted the political and public discourse in the United States.

Friedrich Heckmann, Tanja Wunderlich (eds.): Amnesty for Illegal Migrants?
92 pages (English).
ISBN 3-927351-11-3, 15,- € (plus shipping and handling charge)

For orders through the efms, please send a fax to: 0049 - 951 - 93 20 20 20 or write us an e-mail to: efms

In this volume, international experts offer a precise overview of facts and figures on illegal migration as well as an analysis of the contents, goals and effects of amnesty programmes in different countries.

Table of contents

  • Foreword. Friedrich Heckmann, Tanja Wunderlich
  • Introduction. Friedrich Heckmann, Tanja Wunderlich
  • Undocumented migration in the European Union and the United States: Facts and Figures
    • Undocumented Immigration to the United States: Facts and Figures. Jeffrey S. Passel, Randolph Capps
    • Organised illegal immigration (people smuggling) into the European Union. Mikael Blomquist Jensen
    • General policy trends regarding undocumented immigration in the European Union. Nele Verbruggen
  • The situation of undocumented migrants: Working conditions and social policies
    • Migrant workers and legalization in the United States. Philip Martin
    • The situation of illegal migrants: living and working conditions and social policies. P. Jörg Alt
  • Amnesty for illegal migrants - an appropriate policy? Approaches, effectiveness and alternatives
    • Legalization processes of immigrants in Portugal during the 1990s and at the beginning of the new millennium. José Carlos Marques, Pedro Góis
    • Regularisations for illegal migrants in Italy: Background, Processes, Results. Claudia Finotelli
    • Regularization and Immigration Policy Reform in Spain. Joaquín Arango, Maia Jachimowicz

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