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Publications: efms Expert ReportsStudy on the immigration counselling in Bavaria On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for Work and Social Order, the Family and Women (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie und Frauen) the efms presented a study on the immigration counselling in Bavaria. The study's objective was a analysis of the two counselling offerings, the immigration counseling for adults (Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwanderer (MBE) and the immigration counselling for youths in regard to their supply and demand structures. In addition, the role of the advisory was analysed. Funding: Bavarian State Ministry for Work and Social Order, Family and WomenCompleted: January 2011 - June 2011 Researcher: Delia Wiest The study has three parts: The first part presents the underlying theoretic integration model as well as central basic data on the population with a migration background. The second part deals with the social integration of people with a migration background in the receiving society. It contains specific data regarding residential statuses, naturalisations, education, the labour market, ways of living, language use, amicable relationships, memberships in associations and feelings of belonging. The third part discusses so-called systemic integration, meaning the cohesion of society as a whole. This is backed up by data about ethnic and ethnic-religious conflicts, abnormal behavior but also civic participation. To give an overview of the current situation, the indicators of the "set of indicators to monitor integration in the German Länder" were used. Data for the indicators' values was mainly provided by the micro census. Moreover, indicator values of the population groups with and without a migration background were taken into account as well as timelines. Data on the status of integration were complemented contextually with a list of integration measures implemented in Bavaria. Funding: Bavarian State Ministry for Work and Social Order, Family and WomenCompleted: Oktober 2010 Researcher: Friedrich Heckmann, Anna Lutz Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich, Lutz, Anna: Die Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund in Bayern. Stand der Integration und integrationspolitische Maßnahmen. Munich 2010 Structures of counselling for migrants in Nuremberg On behalf of the social welfare office, Nuremberg, the efms analyzed the changed conditions for the counselling for migrants on the local level since the implementation of the migration law in 2005. Funding: City of NurembergCompletion: September 2008 Researcher: Edda Currle Publication: Currle, Edda: Kommunale Beratungsstrukturen für Migranten in Nürnberg - veränderte Angebotsstrukturen durch das Zuwanderungsgesetz. Gutachten für die Stadt Nürnberg, Bamberg 2008 Education and the Integration of Migrants On behalf of the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission the efms has published an analysis on the integration of migrant children in European schools which will be part of a Green Book on migration and integration of migrant children in the education systems in Europe. Funding: European Commission, DG Education and Culture Good practices in the area of welfare and integration in Frankfurt/Main On behalf of the bussiness consultancy "Oxford Research", Copenhagen, several integration measures of the city Frankfurt/Main were evaluated. Funding: Oxford Research Tools for the civic education for migrants On behalf of the Federal Agency for Civic Education the efms compiled an expert report on tools for the civic education for migrants at the end of 2006. In this report, a wide range of existing educational activities offered by numerous institutions in Germany was documented. Funding: Federal Agency for Civic Education Designing naturalisation courses, especially concerning time and models The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees commissioned the efms to submit a study containing recommendations for the conception of naturalisation courses in Germany. Foundation: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees The concept of return and remigration On behalf of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees a study on the concept of return in different migration theories was compiled until June 2006. Foundation: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees The study describes the methods to measure migration data in Skandinavia and offers suggestions to better the German migration statistics. Funding: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees Integrationsmonitoring - State of the Art in internationaler Perspektive On behalf of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Nuremberg the efms compiled a study on "Monitoring of integration", containing an overview on substantial data sources of the integration of migrants, on projects on standardisation of integration data in Europe, and on studies developping monitoring systems, and on existing monitoring systems. Funding: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees INTPOL: IMISCOE Feasibility Study on Integration and Integration Policies The feasibility study on integration policy has developed a conceptual frame for the analysis of integration processes and research. One of the main tasks of the study was to find new lines of strategic research. A precondition for fulfilling this task was to identify gaps in existing integration research. For this purpose a mapping exercise was done on integration research as it is represented in leading journals. The feasibility study also developed a suggestion for an IMISCOE NETWORK project on Education of Immigrant Children Support: A cross - national study on measures to support children of immigrants' education in the pre - school phase and while in primary and secondary education. One of the main goals of the project is to develop an inventory of best practises. The theoretical part of the study is interested in the immigrant and immigrants as actors, in the role of ethnicity for the acceptance and success of measures, and in the national path dependency of structural integration policies. Completion: March 15, 2005 Researchers: Friedrich Heckmann Publication: efms INTPOL team: Integration and Integration Policies. IMISCOE Network Feasibility Study 2006. Bamberg 2006 Human Smuggling The Expert Committee on Immigration and Integration, headed by Ms Rita Süssmuth, which in 2004 prepared a comprehensive report on migration and integration in Germany, commissioned the efms with an expertise on the issue of human smuggling. The outcomes of the expertise were included in the annual report of the Immigration Committee. Funding: Expert Committee on Immigration and Integration (Sachverständigenrat für Zuwanderung und Integration) Integration offers in selected Hessian districts and their institutional implementation In the context of the compilation of an integration report, the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs commissioned the efms with an empirical study on eleven Hessian districts. The study's objective was to investigate concepts and implementation of integration measures on local administrative level. The empirical study had to be carried out within three months only. It documented the wide range of integration measures and researched the concepts and coordination of integration measures on the local administrative level. Funding: Hessisches Sozialministerium, Wiesbaden (Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs, Wiesbaden)Completion: April 2002 Researchers: Wolfgang Bosswick, Gisela Will Publication: Bosswick, Wolfgang; Will, Gisela: Integrationsangebote in ausgewählten hessischen Kommunen und ihre institutionelle Umsetzung. Wiesbaden 2002, 166 pages with 67 tables and 5 figures. Integration measures of welfare organisations On behalf of the Independent Commission "Immigration" of the Federal Government the efms compiled an expert report on welfare organisations at the beginning of 2001. In this report, the wide range of services offered by the leading voluntary welfare work in the area integration of migrants was documented and evaluated in terms of quality and quantity. Results and recommendations of the expert report, which was completed in March 2001, were included in the respective chapters of the Report of the Independent Commission (in German). Funding: Unabhängige Kommission "Zuwanderung", Berlin (Independent Commission "Immigration")Completion: March 2001 Researchers: Wolfgang Bosswick, Veit Bronnenmeyer Publication: Bosswick, Wolfgang; Bronnenmeyer, Veit: Integrationsmaßnahmen der Wohlfahrtsverbände. Bamberg 2001, 175 pages, with 22 tables and 22 figures Integration-political aspects of controlled immigration On behalf of the inter-ministerial Working Group of the Bavarian Government on Questions of Immigration Control and Immigration Limitation, the efms compiled and expert report on integration-political aspects of controlled immigration. The expert report was to analyse the current situation of the integration of migrants in Germany, with special focus on the context between the quantitative proportions of immigration and the opportunities for the integration of resident migrants. Comparisons with policies and problems of European neighbour states were undertaken for that purpose. Funding: Interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe der Bayerischen Staatsregierung (Inter-ministerial Working Group of the Bavarian Government)Completion: November 2000 Researchers: Friedrich Heckmann, Tanja Wunderlich, Susanne Worbs, Harald W. Lederer Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich ; Wunderlich, Tanja ; Worbs, Susanne; Lederer, Harald W.: Integrationspolitische Aspekte einer gesteuerten Zuwanderung. Gutachten für die interministerielle Arbeitsgruppe der Bayerischen Staatsregierung zu Fragen der Zuwanderungssteuerung und Zuwanderungsbegrenzung, München 2000, 129 pages, with 19 tables and 5 figures Statement on law drafts and applications on the reform of the Citizenship Law Statement in the 12th meeting of the Committee of the Interior: Public hearing of experts on bills and motions on the reform of the Citizenship Law held in Bonn on 14 March 1999. The statement addresses the significance of legal integration (naturalization) for the integration process. Funding: Innenausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, Bonn (Committee of the Interior of the German Parliament)Researcher: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Heckmann Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich, 1999: Stellungnahme zu Gesetzentwürfen und Anträgen zur Reform des Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts. In: Deutscher Bundestag, Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Hg.): Reform des Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts - die parlamentarische Beratung. Zur Sache 1/99, Bonn, S. 134-142, 3 pages Immigration society Germany - Future Scenarios: Chances and Conflict Potentials Expert report for the Enquete Commission "Demographic Changes" of the German Parliament. In the expert report, experiences of the classic country of immigration, the United States, and the oldest country of immigration in Europe, France, were analysed. On the basis of this analysis, recommendations for a policy of integration of migrants in Germany were developed. The results were summarized in three scenarios. Funding: Deutscher Bundestag (German Federal Parliament)Completion: June 1997 Researchers: Friedrich Heckmann and Verónica Tomei Publication: Heckmann, Friedrich; Tomei, Verónica: Einwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland - Zukunftsszenarien: Chancen und Konfliktpotentiale, Gutachten für die Enquetekommission Demographischer Wandel des Deutschen Bundestages, 1997. In: Zweiter Zwischenbericht der Enquete-Kommission Demographischer Wandel", Deutscher Bundestag, 13. Wahlperiode, Drucksache 13/11460, 05.10.1998; ebenso in: Enquete-Kommission Demographischer Wandel", Deutscher Bundestag (Hg.): Herausforderungen unserer älter werdenden Gesellschaft an den einzelnen und die Politik. Studienprogramm. Heidelberg, v.Decker, 1999, Bd.4, S.825-912. Migration and Integration in Figures. A Handbook The expert report for the Federal Commissioner presents types and quantitative proportions of migration and illustrates the various dimensions of migrant integration. For this purpose, existing figures and indicators of various sources were compiled and evaluated. The legal basis for the data was discussed, as well as the how the data had been collected. The data was then related to the limits of its interpretation. The core element of the report is a large number of tables and figures with a critical assessment of their significance and potential interpretations. Funding: Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen (Commissioner of the Federal Government for Foreigners' Affairs)Completion: December 1997 Researcher: Harald W. Lederer Publications: Forum Migration 4: Migration und Integration in Zahlen. Ein Handbuch. Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerangelegenheiten (Hrsg.), Harald W. Lederer (Autor). Bonn 1997, 360 pages (in German) with 112 tables and 154 figures. CD ROM Migration und Integration in Zahlen. Ausgabe 1997. europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (Hrsg.), Harald W. Lederer (Autor). Bamberg 1997, ca. 360 MB (in German) with 112 tables and 154 figures, coloured and black and white, as well as all relevant law texts. In the study, different legal and socio-economic forms of illegal migration and employment are presented. In addition, the social situation of migrants living in Germany without legal status as well as social and economic consequences of illegal migration and employment for the host society are discussed. Funding: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin (Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation)Completion: May 1997 Researchers: Harald W. Lederer, Axel Nickel Publication: |
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