efms Migration Report
September 1998 |  | |  | |
Publication delayed of report by Bundestag Inquiry Commission "Demographic Change and Immigration" In the report written by the Bundestag Inquiry Commission "Demographic Change", politicians and scholars who have dealt with immigration to Germany advocate easing the naturalization process for foreigners. The commission declared, according to a majority decision, that the Federal Republic of Germany has been a country of immigration since its inception. Members of the Union parties are accused of blocking the passage of the study due to election
concerns, and not publishing it until two days after the Bundestag elections. SZ 7.9.98 // FR 7.9.98 // taz 7.9.98 // taz 10.9.98
Opinion survey: clear majority for SPD among Turks eligible to vote In a survey conducted by the Essen Institute of Turkish Studies of 1,006 of the 160,000 ethnic Turkish citizens eligible to vote, 70.4% favored the SPD. 87% of the voters would approve of an SPD-Greens coalition. Only 9% of the voters favored the incumbent CDU-CSU government. Almost two-thirds of those questioned stated that the issues dual citizenship and naturalization had played an important role in their voting decisions. dpa 13.9.98 // taz 23.9.98
EU landing-prohibition for JAT makes repatriations from Germany impossible The EU countries have decided on an embargo which prohibits the Yugoslavian airline company from landing in EU countries. This measure, which goes into force on September 9, was taken in order to put additional pressure on Belgrad regarding the situation in Kosovo. According to the repatriation agreement between Germany and Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian citizens may be brought to Belgrad only via JAT planes. Thus deportations have become practically impossible. Subsequent
to the EU resolution, the Serbian government declared all repatriation agreements with EU countries invalid. An alternative deportation via the land route is not practicable due to the transit countries. NZZ 8.9.98 // SZ 9.9.98 // dpa 10.9.98 // Welt 17.9.98
Schleswig Holstein facilitates witness testimonies against slave-traders The interior ministry in Kiel intends to award limited Duldung, or "suspended expulsion" to foreign women residing illegally in Germany whose testimonies are required against criminals trafficking in humans and prostitution. Similar measures will be adopted for foreign women and female witnesses who must come to Germany from abroad. FR 10.9.98
"Mehmet" case: court declares expulsion of entire family not permissable In a special ruling on September 4, the Bavarian Administrative Court barred the Munich district administration from expelling the juvenile serial offender "Mehmet" and his parents from Germany. The court refuses to hold the parents responsible for the actions of the14-year-old. Whether or not "Mehmet"s" residence permit will be renewed is to be decided in a separate proceeding. SZ 5.9.98 // FR 5.9.98
Kinkel in Sarajevo: urges integration of returnees; relief agencies voice criticism At the reopening of the VW production plant in Sarajevo, Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel appealed to the Bosnian leadership to make greater efforts to help the Bosnians returning home to become integrated. He said that these people had acquired vocational and language skills which would enable them to assist in reconstructing the country. The Union of International Relief Agencies criticized the policies of the German government and called on the German government to take
into account the conflict potential arising when one ethnic group predominates in areas being resettled. FAZ 1.9.98 // Welt 1.9.98 // FR 3.9.98
Schengen meeting in Bonn: new "plan for action" against illegal entries Under Germany"s chairmanship, the executive committee of the Schengen States resolved a "plan for action" against illegal immigration. The plan includes comprehensive monitoring of the outer borders with increased observation of ports and ferry landing places; a unified procedure to record fingerprints, also of illegal immigrants, as well as sanctions against transport companies which carry passengers in the Schengen states who do not have the required documents. The nine states are
introducing a permanent committee to supervise the enforcement of Schengen policies on the external borders. The EU entry candidates in Middle and Eastern Europe are already being comprehensively trained in the Schengen system. taz 17.9.98 //FAZ 17.9.98 // SZ 17.9.98
Border to the Czech Republic: stand-by police assists BGS against illegal entries Over 10,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended by mid September of this year on the Sachsen-Czech border. According to the Federal Interior Ministry, a large number of refugees are waiting in Czech border towns for an opportunity to cross the border. The interior ministers of Saxony and Bavaria have decided to deploy stand-by police units in addition to the Federal Border Police (BGS). Especially the very penetrable eastern border of Slovakia and the inadequate interior
controls in the Czech Republic were blamed for the present situation. dpa 14.9.98 // dpa 16.9.98 // SZ 16.9.98
Women teachers and headscarves: NRW government has no fundamental reservations The state government of Nordrhein-Westfalen intends to monitor the activities of Muslim teachers wearing headscarves in class only if there is actual suspicion of an attempt to influence the pupils ideologically. Referring to the state"s monopoly on teacher training, school minister Behler declared that mere speculations on the attitudes of those wearing headscarves were not relevant. There are at present two female Muslim teachers wearing headscarves in public schools in
Nordrhein-Westfalen. Several more are in teacher training now. FR 17.9.98
NRW: social security departments collected millions for non-existing asylum-seekers Nordrhein-Westfalen is demanding that some 30 million DM be returned from local governments which had received the money to provide lodging and food for asylum seekers and civil-war refugees who were no longer residing in the areas. The interior ministry in Düsseldorf spoke of negligence in the social-security departments and announced that the accounts would be monitored on a regular basis. dpa 14.9.98
Bavaria unable to get tougher law on aliens through the Bundesrat The Bundesrat has referred several bills introduced by Bavaria, which would stiffen criminal and alien law, to the committes for further deliberation. The Bavarian state government is in favor of expelling juvenile delinquents together with their parents, and cancelling protection from expulsion for minors and adolescents. Moreover, the Bavarian government wants to reduce the age limit for children joining their families to ten years of age. The specific background for the law initiative is the
case of the Turkish juvenile offender "Mehmet", who resides in Munich. The Bavarian government lost a court battle in its attempt to expel the entire family. FAZ 26.9.98 // SZ 26.9.98
Asylum statistics According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, a total of 9,651 persons applied for asylum in September; this is 7.1% fewer than in September 1997. Most of the asylum seekers continue to come from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and their numbers increased by 15% in comparison to the previous month to 4,431 persons. It is estimated that 90% of the asylum seekers are refugees from Kosovo. The recognition rate was 4.1% in September. SZ 7.10.98 // Welt 7.10.98
September 1998 |  | |  | |