
efms Migration Report
May 2008 | | |  | |
ECJ strengthens influence of European
Parliament on asylum policy On 5 May 2008, the
European Court of Justice (ECJ) has granted the European Parliament (EP) a right of veto in
defining the list of safe countries of origin and transit. The EP had appealed a directive of the
EU Council adopted in December 2005, according to which only a hearing of the Parliament
on the lists was foreseen. According to the principle of safe third countries asylum applicants
entering the EU from a country contained in this list are granted either no or only a
speeded-up asylum procedure. In future, the Council has to draw up the lists together with the
EP. 06.05.08 // taz
Study: EU internal migration from Eastern Europe is slowing down
According to a study of the British Institute for Public Policy
Research, the number of immigrants from the eastern Member States of the European Union
(EU) to the western Member States will slow down in the long run. In Great Britain, for
instance, already half of the migrants that came from the Czech Republic and Poland would
have returned either to their home countries or have moved on to other states. The institute
expects this trend to continue and a decrease in the number of workers immigrating from
Eastern Europe to Great Britain. According to information of the British Home Office, such
decline has already begun. Accordingly, there was a decline of 13 per cent in the number of
applications from the new Member States in Eastern Europe in the first quarter of 2008
compared to the same period one year ago. This development is mainly attributed to the
improved living conditions in the countries of origin. The criticism of opponents to the
eastern enlargement of the EU, who forecasted a permanent labour migration from East to
West, thus does not seem to be justified. FTD 02.05.08 // FAZ 21.05.08
Agreement on one single naturalisation test throughout Germany As of 1 September 2008, Federal
Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) wants to introduce a naturalisation test for
foreigners having applied for the German citizenship by issuing a corresponding ordinance. It
is planned to introduce a one-hour multiple choice test consisting of 33 questions on German
history, politics and culture, which are chosen randomly from a pool of 310 questions
available at the internet. To prepare for the test, the adult education centres of the
Volkshochschule (VHS) are to offer naturalisation courses consisting of 60 lessons and a
naturalisation booklet is to be published. Following the harsh criticism of the so-called
"test on personal convictions" in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg,
the Federal Ministry of the Interior now wants to prepare the exam with more care.
SZ 26.05.08
Language test complicates reunification of spouses Since the introduction of the mandatory language
test to be taken by spouses willing to join their families who are coming from countries
whose citizens need a visa for Germany, such as Turkey, within the framework of the
amendment of the Immigration Act in 2007, the inflow of spouses to Germany has
considerably declined. This information is part of a reply of the Federal Government on a
parliamentary inquiry of Sevim Dagdelen, member of the Left Party in the Federal
Parliament. With 6,458 persons in the first quarter of 2008, 32 per cent less spouses came to
Germany compared to the same period in the previous year. In the case of migrants of
Turkish origin, the decline amounted to even 46 per cent. The SPD and the opposition parties
therefore have demanded to facilitate the reunification of spouses, arguing that there would be
no reason to keep up the "hard-hearted shielding tendencies", said for example
Rüdiger Veit, the SPD spokesman on migration policy affairs. Federal Interior
Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) defended the regulation saying that language
would be a necessary prerequisite for a successful integration. taz 10.05.08 // FR 15.05.08 // SZ
Migrants affected by poverty above average People in Germany having a migration
background are particularly often affected by poverty. This is the finding of the current
Poverty Report published by the Federal Government. While 15 per cent of the overall
population would be threatened by poverty, the share among migrants would be almost as
double as high with a percentage of well above 28 per cent. The income per capita of
migrants would be one fifth below the average income in Germany. As reasons for the
disadvantages migrants are facing, the Report lists inter alia school certificates that are not
recognised, language barriers and a more difficult access to education. taz 21.05.08
Anti-constitutional associations to lose tax advantages Within the framework of a draft bill
on the annual fiscal act for 2009, the Federal Government plans to deprive extremist
associations and foundations of the tax privileges. In doing so, the Federal Government
agrees to a proposal made by the Interior Ministers on federal and state level who also want
to employ financial instruments to increase their pressure in the fight against the NPD party
and other extremist associations. According to the draft bill, organisations that do not work in
the spirit of the Basic Law are no longer to be recognised as non-profit making, which is one
prerequisite for the exemption from the corporation and the trade tax as well as for the
payment of a reduced value added tax rate. SZ online 02.05.08
Vocational integration of migrants still difficult According to the findings of different scientific studies, the permeability of the
labour market for persons with a migration background living in Germany is still insufficient.
One study titled "Brain Waste", for instance, which was presented in Berlin on 8
May 2008 by the Federal Integration Commissioner, Maria Böhmer (CDU), revealed
that migrants can use their vocational qualifications achieved abroad on the German labour
market only rarely due to the lack of opportunities of getting their qualifications recognised
and because of missing vocational integration programmes. According to the study, staff of
the employment agencies often does not even point the migrants" attention to the
opportunities in getting their qualifications recognised. Böhmer considered this a waste
of talents the country could not afford against the background of the lack of qualified
workers. According to Dirk Hahn of the Centre for Turkish Studies, also the obvious trend of
academics of Turkish origin who have obtained their university degrees in Germany to return
to the home country of their parents seems to confirm the lack of opportunities for persons
with migration background on the German labour market. This trend would be a reply to the
ongoing experience of being turned away, which was due to the Turkish origin of these
persons, said Hahn. How real discrimination on the labour market is, could be seen from the
findings of a survey of the Centre for Turkish Studies: Applicants with a German name would
be invited to a job interview ten times more often than applicants with the same curriculum
who bared a Turkish name. A study on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation came to the
conclusion that cultural diversity is considered clearly less an advantage among German
companies than it is on European average and in the US. Only 44 per cent of the German
companies interviewed would apply the so-called "cultural diversity" approach
compared to 92 per cent of the firms in the US and an average of 75 per cent in the EU.
FR 06.05.08 // FAZ 08.05.08 // Der
Spiegel 19.05.08 // FAZ 29.05.08
Berlin: Indignation about plans to shut-down Radiomultikulti The plan of the head of the public
broadcast corporation Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), Dagmar Rein, to no longer
finance the integration programme called Radiomultikulti, which has been broadcasting since
1994, from 2009 on, has met with misunderstanding and indignation in the general public. As
a measure to cut costs and due to low listening figures for the programme of Radiomultikulti,
the service is to be replaced by the programme of the WDR broadcast corportation called
Funkhaus Europa from the new year. Federal Integration Commissioner Maria Böhmer
(CDU) showed concern about the possible shut-down of the broadcast programme. According
to Böhmer, multi-lingual programmes like such as Radiomultikulti represented the
increasing diversity in the society. Moreover, they offered immigrants without German
language skills a kind of first-hand support by informing them in their mother tongues about
the customs of the German society. Berlin"s Integration Commissioner Günter Piening
said that it would be completely incomprehensible to him that particularly in times that other
broadcast stations would think about introducing multi-lingual formats the RBB rather
planned to shut down its programme. Seref Erkayhan, vice-chairman of the Turkish
Community in Germany, criticised that the shutdown of this integration broadcast service
would point into the wrong direction. The German-Turkish press reports on the topic using
headlines such as "Our radio must not remain silent". BZ 20.05.08 // BZ 23.05.08 // FR
Stuttgart: Plans for a local Islam conference In the next year, the city of Stuttgart plans to hold
a local Islam conference that is oriented towards the example of Islam Conference summoned
on federal level by Federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). The mayor of
Stuttgart, Wolfgang Schuster (CDU), said that dialogue would start right on one"s doorstep -
therefore, further opportunities for an exchange with the Islamic community should be
established. So far, only limited contacts to the 28 Mosque communities had been
established. Stuttgarter Zeitung
online 10.05.08 // FAZ 13.05.08
Muslim woman elected to a parliament"s presiding committee for the first
time On 29 May
2008 and for the first time in German history, a Muslim woman has been elected in Hamburg
as member of a parliament"s presiding committee. As vice-president of the
Bürgerschaft, the City-state parliament, Nebahat Güclü (The Green party)
holds the highest political office that has ever been reached by a naturalised politician in the
Federal Republic. She considers her election as a recognition of the fact that Germany has
become a country of immigration, said Güclü. taz 30.05.08
Administrative Court of Düsseldorf: Muslim girl must participate in
swimming lessons at school On 7 May 2008, the
Administrative Court of Düsseldorf has ruled that a 12-year-old Muslim girl must
participate in the swimming lessons taught at the intermediate school in the city of
Remscheid. The girl"s parents had taken legal actions with the aim of exempting the girl from
having to take swimming lessons for "religious conscientious reasons". Even
though the court accepted the religious conscientious reasons of the girl as being plausible
and said that the swimming lessons would constitute a restriction of the religious freedom of
the girl, it refused the legal action arguing that there would be numerous possibilities to dress
the girl that would allow taking into account the religious interests of her that are worth
protecting. If such possibilities were used, the restrictions of the religious freedom of the girls
could be reduced to a minimum so that the state"s duty to offer education would have to be
given preference over private interests when weighing them. Due to the "fundamental
nature" of the case, the judges in Düsseldorf have expressly allowed to appeal
their decision. Press release of the
Administrative Court Düsseldorf of 07.05.08 // SZ 08.05.08 // FR
Migration balance 2007 The Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden has registered in 2007 a
considerable increase in the inflow of persons to Germany. Compared to the previous year,
this lead to net migration inflow of 48,000 persons, which is as double as high than in the
year before. In the past year, a total of 683,000 persons immigrated to Germany while
635,000 persons left the country. It was only in 2006, when the migration balance had fallen
to 23,000 immigrants to reach its lowest level since the German reunification. According to
the report, the development is particularly due to the increase in the number of immigrated
foreigners by about 2 per cent to reach 572,000 persons on the one hand, and, on the other
hand, it was caused by a decline of 3 per cent to 470,000 persons who have left the country.
The rising tendency in the outflow of Germans to foreign countries, particularly to
Switzerland, remained stable: With 165,000 German citizens who left their home country in
2007, the number rose by approximately 6 per cent compared to the previous year. Also the
number of German immigrants (e.g. late German repatriates and returnees) to Germany rose
by about 8 per cent to 11,000 persons. Press release of Destatis 19.05.08 // SZ 20.05.08 // FAZ 20.05.08 // Die Welt
Asylum statistics In May 2008, a total
of 1,599 persons have submitted a petition for political asylum in Germany, which is a
decrease of 5.6 per cent (-95 persons) over April 2008. Compared to May 2007, the number
of asylum applicants has increased by 18.7 per cent (+252 persons). In May 2008, the main
countries of origin were Iraq (490), Turkey (106), Vietnam (75) and Serbia (73) followed by
Iran (67). In this month, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has decided on the
asylum applications of 1,424 persons. A total of 17 persons (1.2 per cent) has been recognised
as entitled to political asylum, whereas 488 persons (34.3 per cent) were granted protection
against deportation according to § 60, paragraph 1 of the Residence Act. The
applications of 437 persons (30.7 per cent) have been rejected. The cases of a further 450
persons (31.6 per cent) have been closed for other reasons (e.g. due to suspensions of asylum
procedures because persons have withdrawn their applications). Press release of BMI 17.06.08
May 2008 |
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