
efms Migration Report
April 2008 | | |  | |
EU: Agreement on how to
deal with illegal immigrants Representatives of the 27 EU Member States and of
the European Parliament have agreed on a provisional compromise on a common handling of
illegal immigrants: On the one hand, persons staying illegally are to be rigorously deported in
future, on the other hand, they will be granted for the first time the same rights throughout
Europe. The compromise found is to serve as the basis for the so-called Return Directive,
which will be a part of the common migration policy of the EU. The objective would be to
get illegals out of the grey area, said the member of the CSU party and chief negotiator of the
Parliament, Manfred Weber. The illegals either needed to leave the EU or they were to be
given the right to stay legally. This way, the Member States would no longer be able to get
easily rid of those affected by forcing them into underground, according to Weber. Among
other things, it is foreseen prohibit the re-entry of deported persons during a period of five
years and to introduce minimum standards for the medical care and the school attendance of
the children of illegals. Moreover, representatives of the Churches and refugee relief
organisations are to be given access to the deportation facilities. Particularly the question of
how long illegals may be kept in custody is still under discussion. The comprise of the
Parliament and Council states that illegals are not be considered criminals. Therefore, the
persons affected may be detained over a period of maximum six months only in the case of
the risk of escape and in exceptional cases for up to 18 months in facilities, which needed to
be clearly different to regular prisons. The final agreement of the Parliament and the Council
on the compromise is expected to be reached by the end of June. SZ 25.04.08 // FAZ 25.04.08
EU: Schäuble is in
favour of granting Christians from Iraq preferred admission At a conference of the
EU Interior Ministers held in Luxembourg on 15 April 2008, Federal Interior Minister
Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) made the proposal to grant particularly the Christians
persecuted in Iraq asylum in the EU. Before, the 16 Interior Ministers of the German federal
states had agreed on their conference in Bad Saarow on 17 und 18 April 2008 to admit Iraqi
Christians within the framework of an EU programme. According to Schäuble, the aim
was to help persons who are facing particularly difficult situations due to religious grounds.
Against the backdrop of the responsibility the world community had for Iraqi refugees, it
would not be "completely wrong" if the Europeans would focus particularly on
this group. Schäuble"s counterparts, however, showed themselves quite restrained
about his proposal. The Slovenian Interior Minister and EU Chairman, Dragutin Mate, said
the decision on the admission of refugees needed to be taken irrespective of religious and
racial grounds. Also on the national political level and from different refugee relief
organisations doubts were raised about limiting the admission to Christians. The refugee
relief organisation of the United Nations (UNHCR), for instance, said that also other
non-Muslim minorities urgently were searching safe countries admitting them. On this point
Schäuble commented that the religious minorities and the Christians in Iraq were in 99
per cent of all cases made up of the same persons. Moreover, the UNHCR tried to make the
Federal Government willing not to limit the admission of refugees to one unique action.
Germany should agree within the framework of a so-called resettlement programme to admit
every year a fixed quota of persons from among the world-wide 150,000 recognised refugees,
for whom the UN is searching safe countries. So far, the Federal Government has denied to
accept such admission quota on a regular basis. At the next meeting of the EU Interior
Ministers scheduled for June, the plans for the admission of Iraqi refugees to the EU are to be
concretised. FR 16.04.08 // FAZ 17.04.08 // 17.04.08 // IHT
17.04.08 SZ 19.04.08 // Die Welt 19.04.08 // FAZ 19.04.08 // taz 22.04.08
Islamic instruction classes
and extremism According to a study of the American Foreign Policy Research
Center, it is completely unfounded to assume the theory of the so-called "green
diaper" (green is the colour of Islam), according to which young persons become
terrorists because of being born into a religious environment and being given a sound
religious education. The study examined the biographic data of more than 500 Islamic
terrorists coming inter alia from Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, the US, Australia, France,
Canada and Germany, who support the Al-Qaeda ideology and came to the conclusion that
the majority of the extremists had not obtained a religious education. Only 13 per cent of
them visited as children a so-called Madrassa (Koranic school) and only 25 per cent were
already religious during their childhood. Their understanding of the Koran and the Sunna
(words and deeds of the Prophet) would even be extremely limited, according to the
published study findings. Particularly Islamists from Northern Africa and Europe, who pose
today"s main threat for Europe, had started to read the Koran as late as in the age of
mid-twenties. The terrorists interpreted original text sources by themselves or they followed
radical Imams. Accordingly, Islamic instruction classes could help preventing terrorism.
Die Welt online 16.04.08
Interior ministers and
government representatives adopt integration monitoring At a meeting in Kiel on
10 April 2008, the ministers of the federal states in charge of integration affairs, the
Integration Commissioner of the Federal Government, Maria Böhmer (CDU), and
Federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) agreed on developing checkable
indicators to regularly measure the degree of integration. The Integration Minister of North
Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU), said that instead of standing between multicultural
naivety and integration-sceptical alertism it would be much more useful to describe
objectives and to check if these are achieved. To this end, a working group, steered by the
federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin, is to elaborate a common definition of
the feature of migration background and immigration history. The data obtained are to show
who is immigrating successfully or not, which educational careers are followed, who is
employed and if there are differences between young and old migrants. Moreover, the
ministers want to establish a standing conference of ministers on integration. By doing so, the
cooperation between the federal states on integration policy issues is to be given a stable
foundation, said the Interior Minister of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, Lothar Hay
(SPD). Die Welt 08.04.08 // Der Spiegel online 09.04.08 // KNA
10.04.08 // Der Spiegel 10.04.08 // taz online 14.04.08
Muslims outraged at draft
bill on BKA competencies The planned amendments of the law to extend the
competencies of the Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) in the fight against
terrorism on which the Federal Interior Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), and the
Federal Minister for Justice, Brigitte Zypries (SPD), have agreed after lengthy negotiations
over months have triggered off sharp reactions from Muslim representatives: Criticised are
"double standards" being applied for the control competences of the BKA, i.e. in
the draft bill it is foreseen to protect Christian priests and Jewish rabbis against online
searches and bugging operations. Muslim clergymen, in contrast, are not to be granted such
protection. The reasoning behind this provision is based on the different legal status of the
religious communities: Since Islam, in contrast to Christianity and Judaism, is not recognised
by the state as a religious community in Germany, Imams are not covered by the protective
regulations the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for. Ali Kizilkaya, chairman of the
coordination council of the Muslims, considered the provision a state-sanctioned
discrimination and added it affected at a first glance only Muslims, basically, however, the
constitutional state as a whole. Moreover, he said that Islam would be protected as a religious
community by the German Basic Law; therefore, Imams could not be treated in a different
way than priests. The absolute protection against bugging measures which is granted to
Christian clergymen, would be an "extraordinary exception", remarked Wolfgang
Bosbach and added that this required a acceptable justification. The CDU politician argued
that it would not be possible to set-up special rights for Islam. Der
Spiegel online 16.04.08 // KNA 18.04.08
Hesse: Quarrels about ban
on deportation of Afghan nationals A debate has been triggered off between the
Parliament and the executive government in the federal state of Hesse about the protection
against deportation of Afghan refugees. With the votes of the SPD, the Green and the Left
parties, the parliament decided on 9 April 2008 that young men capable of working may no
longer be deported to their home country. In their decision, the applicants demand the federal
state"s Interior Minister, Volker Bouffier (CDU), opts in favour of a nationwide protection
against deportation at the Conference of the Interior Ministers, which should be applied to all
persons except who had no provable safe and protected living conditions in the country of
origin. Bouffier, who is not bound by the decision of the local parliament, rejects such
protection, however. A ban on deportations would neither be in the interest of the federal
state nor, in the end, in the interest of the persons affected, according to Bouffier who added
that young men should rather help reconstruct the country. He referred to a decision taken by
the Administrative Court of Hesse at the beginning of February according to which the
deportation of young Afghan men would be legitimate. He said he would not come out
against the decision of the Hessian Administrative Court. Tarek Al-Wazir of the Green party
replied that it would not be true that the local parliament ignored a judgement of the
Administrative Court and added that the Court had expressly pointed to the possibility that
the federal state"s highest authority could issue a general ban on deportations. SZ 11.4.08 // FAZ 11.04.08
Cologne: Poor German
language skills remain without consideration in aptitude test The municipal
administration of the city of Cologne plans to change the aptitude tests for future civil
servants in order to improve the employment opportunities of applicants with a migration
background. According to the member of the city council, Susana dos Santos-Hermann
(SPD), the objective is to increase the portion of municipal employees with a migration
background. In order to be able to benefit from the challenges and the opportunities posed by
a Europe that is growing ever closer together, it would be indispensable to constantly open
the municipal administration to intercultural influences and to win skilled personnel with a
migration background this way, said dos Santos-Hermann. Gregor Timmer of the Office for
Press and Public Relations of the city of Cologne explained that the requirements to be
fulfilled for a job in administration included - besides the ability to learn, to listen, to think
mathematically, logics and precision as well as working speed - also the qualification criteria
of language skills, an area where particularly applicants with a migration background
achieved inferior results. Current scientific investigations had revealed, however, that
language deficits of persons who have well-developed learning abilities would diminish over
time. In order to take into account this special situation of applicants with a migration
background, who achieved good results as regards the other qualification criteria, the Institute
for Human Resource Recruitment of the city of Cologne will in future conduct the tests
without taking into consideration the language skill feature. Express online 02.04.08 // Press release of the city of Cologne
Lübeck: Integration
course for elderly persons In cooperation with the Federal Office for Migration and
Refugees (BAMF), the Jewish community of the city of Lübeck has now offered the
first integration course in Germany that is particularly tailored to the needs of elderly people
with a migration background. Elderly persons would often not have the language skills
required to make use of and benefit from the opportunities offered for their age-group. Sabine
Hagen, regional BAMF commissioner said that many elderly persons would be afraid of
participating in the regular language courses since they believed not to be able to keep up
with the younger participants. The head of administration of the Jewish community, Sonja
Kanuschien, said that the participants would not only be taught language skills but they
would be also informed about topics relevant for people in their ages such as where to find
age-adequate dwellings or how a patient"s disposition works. The offer meets with very good
response and the courses had immediately been booked out, according to Kanuschien.
Lübecker Nachrichten online 11.04.08
Study: Xenophobe
attitudes wide-spread among youths According to the findings of survey among
school students conducted by the Criminological Research Institute of the federal state of
Lower Saxony (KFN) for the Conference of the Interior Ministers (IMK), prejudices
criticising foreigners or of xenophobic nature are wide-spread among German youths: Almost
every third student in the ninth class of all kind of school types was of the opinion that there
were too many foreigners in Germany. One out of five showed islamophobic attitudes.
Within the framework of the survey, 50,000 students in the ninth class of different
nationalities were interviewed in 61 towns. dpa 17.04.08 // KNA
Asylum statistics
In April 2008, a total of 1,694 persons has submitted a petition for political asylum in
Germany, which is an increase of 9.6 per cent (+149 persons) compared with the month
before. Compared to April 2007, the number of asylum applicants has increased by 40.8 per
cent (+491 persons). The main countries of origin in April were Iraq (447), Turkey (121),
Serbia (120) and Vietnam (94) followed by the Russian Federation (66). In this month, the
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees decided on the asylum applications of 1,604
persons. A total of 34 persons (2.1 per cent) were recognised as being entitled to asylum
whereas 460 persons (28.7 per cent) were granted protection against deportation according to
§ 60, paragraph 1 of the Residence Act. The applications of 523 persons (32.6 per cent)
were rejected. The cases of a further 518 persons (32.3 per cent) have been closed for other
reasons (e.g. due to suspensions of asylum procedures because persons have withdrawn their
applications). Press release of BMI 09.05.08
April 2008 | | |  | |