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VHB Modules
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Further education


efms Modules at the VHB

efms provides in cooperation with the University of Bamberg and the Virtual University Bavaria (VHB) distant learning modules on central issues of migration and integration of migrants. The modules are provided for Bachelor or Master students, who want to acquire sound and practice-relevant knowledge of these issues. The modules are provided each semester, require an involvement of 2 module participation hours per week plus individual studying. They are concluded by compiling of home works and/or group activities and an optional exam at the end of the module; for successful prticipation, up to 5 ECTS-Credits are issued.

Integration von Migranten - Einführung (in German language)

A follow-up module on the practice of integration policy and measures for promoting integration processec is currently developed and will be available in Summer 2018.

The current module is well booked; each semester, about 50 to 80 students, mostly from the Humanities and Social Work participate in each module.

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