efms Migration Report
September 1995 |  | |  | |
Law guarantees minimal German wages for foreign construction workers The "Dispatched Workers Law" (Entsendegesetz) which was approved by the Federal Cabinet on September 1, 1995, is aimed at ending "wage dumping" by cheap foreign labor in the construction sector. According to Labor Minister Blüm, over 150,000 foreign workers dispatched from EC countries are employed at German construction sites at wages below the German minimum, while 140,000 German construction workers are unemployed. The " Dispatched Workers Law",
obliges employers to pay minimum German wages to all construction workers, is expected to pass the Bundestag this year despite the opposition of employer associations. SZ 2.9.95 // SZ 29.9.95
Bavaria: I.D. checks compulsory in hotels After a change in the registration law for foreigners which is valid as of September 1, 1995, all foreign guests in hotels are required to present identification. Bavarian Minister of the Interior Beckstein has emphasized the importance of imposing checks even on EC foreigners especially after border checks were done away with in the countries which signed the Schengen Accords. Corresponding regulations are already being enforced in France, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands. NZ
End of deportation ban for Croatian refugees The deportation of Croatian refugees to their homeland which had been suspended in August, will be continued. In view of the improved situation in the civil war zone, there is nothing to prevent implementation of the German-Croatian Repatriation Agreement which provides for the return of some 40,000 Croatians. The Croatian Ambassador has appealed to the EC and Germany to provide financial and material support for the return of the refugees and for the reconstruction of the country. SZ
2.9.95 // SZ 4.9.95
Electoral rights in municipal elections for EC foreigners On September 6, 1995 the Landtags of both Hessen and Saarland passed a bill introducing electoral rights for foreigners from EC countries. The law will take effect at the beginnning of the coming year. A similar law was passed by Sachsen-Anhalt on September 28, 1995. FAZ 8.9.95 // dpa 28.9.95
Union parties willing to reconsider immigration policy The CDU/CSU parliamentary alliance has formed a group to examine the subject of reforming citizenship law. The group is expected to take up suggestions which go beyond the positions of the federal minister of the interior, such as the demand for automatic naturalization of third-generation children born in Germany. This would be an alternative to the so-called "children"s citizenship". The Bavarian state government presented its draft of a proposal to facilitate naturalization. The measure will reduce
the period of required residence from 15 to 10 years. FR 9.9.95 // SZ 14.9.95
SPD discusses immigration law The SPD commission "demographic change" aims for a German immigration law which will take the immigration of 3 million aliens since the end of the 1980s into account. The reason given for the proposal is the demographic development of the Federal Republic of Germany. On the basis of economic need, an "office for migration" would determine an annual immigration quota and take measures for integration. Although the introduction of an immigration law was a part of the SPD platform in the 1994 federal election,
party leadership does not endorse the commission"s demands. The deputy head of party Däubler-Gmelin has dismissed the commission"s arguments and presented a proposal entitled "Guidelines for a modern policy of integration". She has also encouraged the establishment of a fact-finding commission "Immigration and Integration". SZ 9.9.95 // FR 12.9.95 // FAZ 13.9.95 // FAZ 14.9.95
Heated discussion follows deportation of 7 Sudanese refugees Fierce arguments between the government and the opposition were provoked by the long-disputed deportation of 7 Sudanese refugees. The action had been temporarily prevented by the federal constitutional court after the refugees" asylum petitions were rejected in the so-called airport proceedings. The Minister of the Interior Kanther who let the deportation be carried out despite all misgivings was accused of being brutal and harsh and relying on dubious assurances of the Sudanese government.
The incident has engendered new debate over German asylum policies. Amnesty International and Pro Asyl have strongly criticized especially the accelerated airport proceedings and the Safe Country regulations. FAZ 14.9.95 // Welt 18.9.95 // dpa 28.9.95 // FAZ 29.9.95
Inauguration of Islamic Cultural Center in Bonn In the presence of German and Saudi politicians the "König-Fahd-Akademie" was opened. Financed by Saudi Arabia, the culture center includes a school and mosque. The center, in the words of Prince Abd al-Aziz should improve communication between Germans and Arabs, promote dialogue and help to reduce negative stereotypes. SZ 18.9.95
Deportation of Vietnamese delayed The contract signed by Bonn and Hanoi to repatriate a total of 40,000 Vietnamese will come into effect on September 21, 1995. Preparations had been made to deport 200 Vietnamese guilt of crimes, but the deportation has been delayed due to investigative proceedings by Vietnamese authorities to determine whether or not the deportees actually have Vietnamese citizenship. SZ 22.9.95
Foreigner Councils file complaint against Central Register The foreigner councils of of Hessen have filed a complaint about the constitutionality of several aspects of the "Alien Central Register" at the federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe. The recording system violates the law against discrimination and the basic right to privacy of personal data. FR 22.9.95
Asylum statistics The number of asylum seekers rose in September 1995 to 12,065 (146 more than in the previous month and 1,198 more than in September 1994). The number of refugees which have applied for asylum since the beginning of the year is 92,469, which is nearly as high as in the previous year (92,731 from January to September 1994). The largest group of refugees since January 1995 were from Turkey (19,188) followed by rump Yugoslavia ( 17,729), Afghanistan (5,320), Irak (4,545), Sri Lanka (4,470) and Bosnia (4,000). FAZ
6.10.95 // SZ 6.10.95
September 1995 |  | |  | |