
efms Migration Report
February 2006 | | |  | |
Danish Muhammad
cartoons unleash Muslim protests worldwide On 30 September 2005, the Danish
newspaper Jyllands-Posten published twelve cartoons showing the prophet Muhammad,
which were felt by many Muslims as an insult to Islam. In winter 2005, Danish Imams
travelled to several Arab countries to show the cartoons to high-ranking representatives of the
Arab League and Muslim clerics as part of an dossier about "growing racism in
Denmark". The protests at first evolving in Denmark subsequently turned into mass
demonstrations spreading the entire Islamic world. Besides the Danish flag also those of other
European countries were burned, threats against western countries were scanned, an office of
the EU in Gaza as well as the Danish and the Austrian embassy in Teheran were attacked, and
several demonstrators in Afghanistan, Lebanon and Somalia were killed as a result of the
turmoils. Islamic countries called for a boycott of Danish products, Iran stopped its trade
relations with Denmark and Saudi Arabia and Libya recalled their ambassadors from
Copenhagen. Many European newspapers reprinted the cartoons in order to set an example in
defense of the press freedom. The EU rejected the threats against Danish, Norwegian and
Swedish nationals and the boycott of products as being an attack against Europe. EU interior
and justice commissioner Franco Frattini said that he would understand the feelings of the
Muslim community, but added at the same time that violence, acts of intimidation and call for
boycotts would be completely unacceptable. Even the press freedom would not have to
curtailed, he added. Politicians all over the world - including UN Secretary General, Kofi
Annan, and the German Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel - pleaded for the case of
non-aggression. In Germany, 16 Islamic associations, including the Islamic Council, the
Central Council of Muslims in Germany, the Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for
Religion (DITIB), condemned the "violent and inappropriate reactions of some
Muslims" in a common resolution published on 8 February 2006. At the same time,
however, they made clear that "an intentional offending of religious feelings and beliefs
were definitively to be rejected". On 11 February 2006, several thousands of Muslims
gathered at peaceful demonstrations against the cartoons in the cities of Düsseldorf,
Berlin, Bonn and Leer, at the occasion of which they complained about a discrimination of
their religion in Europe. SZ 02.02.06 // FAZ 02.02.06 // BZ
02.02.06 // SZ 03.02.06 // FAZ 03.02.06 // SZ 04.02.06 // FAZ 07.02.06 // SZ 07.02.06 // Die
Welt 08.02.06 // FAZ 09.02.06 // Welt am Sonntag 12.02.06
Bilateral readmission
agreement signed with Bulgaria On 1 February 2006, federal Interior Minister
Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) and his Bulgarian counterpart, Petkov, signed a bilateral
readmission agreement which is to replace the previous agreements that had entered into
force on 9 September 1994 (readmission of Bulgarian nationals) and on 7 November 1996
(transit of third-country nationals). In future, the new readmission agreement will allow to
return to Bulgaria persons - both Bulgarian nationals and third-country nationals - who have
illegally entered Germany proceeding from this country. Schäuble said that the
provisions on the readmission of third-country nationals and of stateless persons had not been
included in the previous agreements and would highly contribute to the fight against illegal
migration from the Balkans. Moreover, the existing agreements have been updated and
brought in line with the standards of the European Union. Press
release BMI of 01.02.06
UN: German school system discriminates migrant children
On 13 February 2006, UN special envoy Vernon Munoz Villalobos started his
10-day visit to Germany on behalf of the UN Human Rights Commission to inspect day-care
facilities for children, schools and NGOs inter alia in the cities of Munich, Bonn, Berlin and Potsdam. He was to check, if and how the right to education is implemented in Germany.
Special attention was given also to the support offered to migrant children. In his final
conclusion he criticised that the German education system would not take into consideration
the children"s potentials. As countermeasures to be taken for the time being, he recommended that the German federal government should give up its reservation towards the UN Children"s Rights Convention. As a result, also refugees not possessing permanent residence titles could attend schools until the age of 18 instead of 16 as they do currently. Secondly, the attendance of kindergartens would have to be free of charge. This would be particularly important to foster the language skills of migrant children. Thirdly, teaching human rights principles at school classes and as a part of further training measures for teachers should be emphasised.
Finally, a definite decision on which school type the pupils will have to attend should not be taken at a stage as early as the end of primary school. This would in particular have a
negative impact on children of migrant families and socially disadvantaged families.
SZ 14.02.06 // taz 15.02.06 // SZ 17.01.06 // taz 18.02.06 // Der Spiegel(online) 21.02.06 // SZ 22.02.06
Debate on naturalisations
remains controversial Following a conference in Koblenz, the interior ministers of
the federal states belonging to the CDU/CSU parties made a call for stricter naturalisation
requirements and demanded that naturalisation applicants should be obliged to attend
compulsory civics courses, to take language tests in writing, to take an oath on the
constitution and to provide evidence of their commitment to the free democratic basis order
by proving "objectively checkable community-compatible behaviours" in case
the authorities have doubts about the seriousness of their attitudes. The federal states of
Lower Saxony and Hesse have announced to present the corresponding bills for a federally
uniform legislation by May, when the conference of the interior ministers will be held. The
Left Party, the Greens, the interior minister and the integration minister of the federal state of
North Rhine-Westphalia, Ingo Wolf (FDP) and Armin Laschet (CDU), rejected the resolution
as unnecessary, arguing that the provisions already in force, requiring a residence of many
years, a regular cross-checking with the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution,
a declaration of commitment and a language test to be taken would be sufficient. Should a
common approach of Federal government and the federal states not be found by the end of
2006, Bavaria wants to agree common standards with the federal states of Hesse and
Baden-Württemberg only. The procedure in Bavaria will be tightened as of March
2006 already. According to the new provisions, naturalisation applicants will have to state in
a questionnaire, if they are members or supporters of associations, parties and organisations
in Germany or abroad which are considered "critical". Among the parties listed is
also the left-wing PDS. Members of left-wing parties have become indignant about this
listing. The federal state of Hesse is planning the introduction of a "naturalisation
guide" similar to the one used in Baden-Württemberg. On 11 February 2006,
several hundreds of demonstrators protested against this "naturalisation guide".
On the occasion of the demonstration, the Lord Mayor of Heidelberg, Beate Weber (SPD),
said she would further be opposed against the provision for doubts as whether it was in
accordance with the constitution. Since the provision has the status of an administrative
ordinance of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, the city of Heidelberg had to
give up its initial opposition at the beginning of February and had yet to employ the disputed
"interview guide". Press release of the Ministry of the
Interior of Baden-Württemberg 31.01.06 // BZ 01.02.06 // dpa 01.02.06 // Die Welt
02.02.06 // SZ 04.02.06 // FR 04.02.06 // BZ 06.02.06 // FR 06.02.06 // taz (online) 06.02.06
// BZ 06.02.06 // SZ 06.02.06 // SZ 07.02.06 // FAZ 09.02.06 // Der Spiegel (online) 12.02.06
// NN 13.02.06 // Der Spiegel (online) 15.02.06 // NN 17.02.06
Initiative of the Bundesrat
calls for stricter punishment of forced marriages On 10 February 2006, the
Bundesrat (Upper House of the German Parliament) adopted a bill to introduce to the
legislation forced marriage as a new criminal offence, which will allow to punish forced
marriages by prison terms ranging from six months to ten years. Moreover, the request period
for annulling a marriage which was entered into under illegal threat will be extended from
one to three years. As regards the claim for maintenance of the forced spouse in case of an
annulment of the marriage, it will be no longer relevant if the threat was directly pronounced
by the spouse or if he/she had knowledge of such threat only. In addition, the statutory right
of the surviving spouse to a share in the estate will be no longer applicable, if the surviving
spouse had knowledge of the voidability of the marriage for having been a force marriage,
even if the legal annulment proceeding has not been opened. The bill will be handed over to
the Federal government to comment it. The political echo was divided: The integration
commissioner of the Federal government, Maria Böhmer (CDU) as well as the
women"s rights organisation Terre des Femmes (Tdf) welcomed the initiative as a step
towards the right direction. At the same time, however, both Tdf as well as the spokeswomen
for feminist affairs of SPD"s parliamentary group, Christel Humme, missed the introduction
of improvements of the residence status for affected women, which showed an
"enormous deficiency", according to Tdf. Press
release of the Bundesrat 13/2006 10.02.06 // Press release of the Federal government for
migration, refugees and integration 10.02.06 // Pforzheimer Zeitung (online) 10.02.06 // Das
Parlament 13.02.06 // FR 20.02.06
Forced marriages: Debate
on lack of scientific approach The issue of forced marriages among Turkish
immigrants has triggered off a scientific dispute. On 2 February 2006, the weekly "Die
Zeit" published a statement of Prof. Yasemin Karakasoglu and Mark Terkessidis who
accused the female authors of currently in vogue non-fiction books on Islam of having written
flaming pamphlets which would puff up to seemingly societal issues personal experiences
and individual cases. The books of Necla Kelek ("Die fremde Braut" - The
unknown bride), Ayyan Hirsi Ali ("Ich klage an" - I do accuse) and Seyran Ates
("Große Reise ins Feuer" - The big journey into the fire) would be
unscientific, and facts and findings would be hardly given any importance. In contrast,
differentiated scientific investigations would be hardly paid any attention, which was to be
considered alarming. The open letter titled "Justice for the Muslims!" was signed
by 58 scientists, comprising many migration experts. In several important German
newspapers Kelek defended herself, arguing that the issues she had addressed would not fit
into the ideological concept of the multi-culturalism of the scientists criticising her, and
added that they would have accepted the taboo in question and would let happen the misery
of those affected. Die Zeit 02.02.06 // SZ 03.02.06 // taz 03.02.06
// Die Welt 08.02.06 // Die Zeit 09.02.06 // FAZ (online) 24.02.06
Different views of
compulsory use of German at schools The local CDU/FDP government in Stuttgart
wants to impose the compulsory use of German at all schools in the federal state of
Baden-Württemberg. The prime minister of the local government, Oettinger, wants to
hold a round table talk to discuss possible amendments of the school regulations applicable at
all schools. In contrast, the CDU government of the federal state of Hesse favours agreements
on a voluntary basis. For that purpose, the local government could provide schools with a
standard agreement to be signed, said the head of the CDU parliamentary group, Christian
Wagner. In Nuremberg (Bavaria), the parliamentary group of the CSU in the municipal
council wants to launch a pilot project in which is foreseen to impose the compulsory use of
German at one selected school having a high proportion of foreign pupils. NZ 02.02.06 // taz 02.02.06 // FR 11.02.06 // NN 23.02.06 // NZ
Islamic instruction classes
soon be possible in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg Following the example set in
Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein too wants to introduce as of 2007 Islamic instruction
classes in German language at primary schools. Also the mayor of Hamburg, Ole von Beust
(CDU), is in favour of the introduction of Islamic instruction classes taught in German. The
chairman of the largest association of Muslims in Hamburg ("Schura"), Mustafa
Yoldas, however, raised objections, arguing that the Muslims would be quite satisfied with
the inter-confessional religious instruction classes being offered currently at state-run schools
and added that this kind of instruction classes should not be given up for the sake of a trial
whose outcome is unclear. Opposition against the plans is also growing within the CDU with
voices demanding that the proposal needed to be submitted to a detailed revision in terms of
its contents. Die Welt 02.02.06 // Die Welt (online) 22.02.06 //
Hamburger Abendblatt (online) 24.02.06 // Hamburger Abendblatt (online)
Discussions about the
Turkish movie "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq" The movie "Valley
of the Wolves - Iraq" - one of the most costly Turkish film productions ever - so far has
attracted more than 200,000 spectators in Germany, most of them of Turkish origin. The film
is about a Turkish secret service agent who fights against Americans in Iraq, whose
protagonist is a US commander-in-chief of Christian belief. Politicians of the Union parties
such as the prime minister of Bavaria, Edmund Stoiber (CSU), the chairman of the Greens,
Reinhard Bütikofer, and the Churches have asked the operators of cinemas to ban this
film for its glorification of violence and its anti-Semitic contents. Politicians of the liberals
and the chairman of the Turkish Community in Germany, Kenan Kolat, are opposed against
such ban, arguing that a democracy needed be able to accept also films that are not welcome.
Moreover, calls for a ban or suspension of the film would contribute even more to an
identification with the movie, said Kolat. FR 22.02.06 // Die Welt
New commissioner of the
Federal government for ethnic German repatriates On 14 February 2006, Dr.
Christoph Berger (CDU) - who has been parliamentary undersecretary at the Federal Ministry
of the Interior since 23 November 2005 - has been installed in his new office as commissioner
of the Federal government for ethnic German repatriates" and national minority affairs.
Before, Hans-Peter Kemper (SPD) had been the office-bearer. Press release Federal Ministry of the Interior 14.02.06 // www.cducsu.de
New chairman of the
Central Council of Muslims in Germany On 5 February 2006, the Central Council
of Muslims in Germany ("ZMD" in its German abbreviation) elected a new
committee. Ayyub Axel Köhler was elected new chairman. The 67-year-old replaces
the former secretary general, Nadeem Elyas. Elyas, who had been chairman since the
foundation of the Central Council in 1994, did no longer want to stand as a candidate in the
election. Press release of ZMD 05.02.06 // Welt am Sonntag
05.02.06 // SZ 07.02.06
ECJ: Association
agreement applicable to Turkish migrant workers" children who were convicted of a criminal
offence After the Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht)
referred the case to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the latter decided on 16 February
2006 that Turkish migrant workers" children who have been convicted of a criminal offence
can invoke the provisions of the association agreement between the European Union and
Turkey even after having reached age of majority. This means that they enjoy as a rule the
same protection against deportation as EU citizens. They might deported only in case of
posing a threat to the public order, security and health or if they have left Germany for a
significant length of time without legitimate reason. But even in such case, the courts may not
in general invoke a threat or high recidivism rate, but have to take into consideration the
individual outlooks of the offender (Ref.: C-502/04). Judgement
of ECJ of 16 February 2006 // SZ 17.02.06
Increase of right-wing
extremist violence in 2005 The Federal government registered a significant
increase of right-wing extremist offences in 2005. According to the replies to the monthly
inquiries made by the member of the Federal parliament, Petra Pau (Left Party), the number
of acts of violence had increased from 498 in 2004 to 588 in 2005. In total, 10,271 offences
with a right-wing extremist background were registered (+23 per cent). Also the advisory
centres for victims of right-wing extremist violence registered 10 per cent more offences in
2005: The total of 641 acts of violence, ranging widely in terms of intensity, affected at least
910 persons. Almost 90 per cent consisted of assaults with intent to do bodily injury. In 300
cases, violence was aimed against youths from the left-wing and alternative scenes. 182 cases
were motivated by racism. FR 14.02.06
Asylum statistics
In February 2006, a total of 1,779 persons have submitted a petition for political asylum
in Germany. The figure constitutes a decrease of 9.6 per cent (-190 persons) compared to
January 2006. Compared to February 2005, the number of asylum seekers has declined by
15.3 per cent (-322 persons). The main countries of origin in February 2006 were Serbia and
Montenegro (298), Turkey (168) and Iraq (149) followed by the Russian Federation (87) and
Vietnam (86). The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has reviewed the applications
of 2,835 asylum seekers, 21 (0.7 per cent) of whom have been recognised as entitled to
political asylum. A further 60 persons (2.1 per cent) have been granted protection against
deportation according to §60, paragraph 1, Residence Act. The applications of 1,729
persons (61.0 per cent) have been rejected. The cases of another 1,025 persons (36.2 per cent)
have been closed for other reasons, for example because asylum seekers have withdrawn their
applications. Press release BMI of 08.03.06
February 2006 | | |  | |