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efms Migration Report

September 1999

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Revision of the Foreign Office"s country reports

In the course of revising its country reports, the Foreign Office announces to update the reports more often in the future. A new report shall be written annually on countries in a relatively stable political situation, every six months on countries with less stability, and even more frequently on crisis areas. In particular, the country reports shall contain a clear statement, whether a certain section of the population is persecuted and whether a flight alternative exists within the country. The Foreign Office adheres to keeping the reports" details secret. Otherwise, it fears, political considerations could influence the country reports. On September 7th, the Turkey-Report, the first report according to the new guidelines, is published: in Turkey an "unsatisfying situation of the Human Rights" prevails, some deported asylum seekers have been maltreated in Turkey, "not seldomly" are Turkish Human Rights organizations "exposed to hindrance by state authorities". Referring to the new country report the High Administrative Court in Münster rejects a Kurd"s application for asylum, since only Kurds suspected to support the PKK or "other separatist activities" were subject to political persecution in Turkey.
FR 3.9.99 // SZ 3.9.99 // Spiegel 13.9.99 // FR 16.9.99 // FR 24.9.99

Turks show great interest in German citizenship

A study commissioned by the Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landeszentrum für Immigration indicates that 56% of the immigrants interviewed are interested in German citizenship. Almost two thirds of the Turks living in Germany display an interest in German citizenship. The number of Turks living in Germany has reached 2,1 million. Among these, 48% are under 25 years of age. The main reasons for immigration in the past year were marriage (30,000 marriages) and family reunion (10,000 persons). In view of the citizenship law"s reform Faruk Sen, head of the Essen Center for Studies on Turkey, expects 700,000 Turks to be naturalized by 2002.
dpa 8.9.99 // FAZ 25.9.99

Germany plans joint deportation of foreigners with neighboring countries

Germany plans to deport rejected asylum seekers in the future together with Austria as well as France. According to a speaker of the Ministry of the Interior, a joint use of airplanes is especially useful if a greater number of persons shall be deported to the same area.
FR 25.9.99

Aussiedler statistics; limitation of Aussiedlerimmigration

In September 1999, 9,929 persons were registered as Spätaussiedler (ethnic German immigrants) in Germany. In the same month of the previous year 9,916 persons were registered. The figures confirm that the annual Aussiedlerimmigration remains approximately at the same level as before. The Federal Government"s plans to limit the number of Spätaussiedler to 100,000 per year and to enact it in the Bundesvertriebenengesetz. Nevertheless, the claim to immigration of the relatives living abroad will be preserved. According to the Federal Commissioner for Aussiedler, Jochen Welt, the limitation shall help to achieve integration and to provide a "secure basis for planning". Owing to the low number of newcomers, Friedland in the future shall be the only first-admission facility.
FAZ 2.9.99 // FR 2.9.99 // BMI Press Announcement 5.10.99

Asylum statistics

In September 1999, 8,429 persons applied for political asylum. This is a decrease of 5.4% (476 persons) compared to the previous month. The number of asylum seeking Kosovo-Albanians continued to fall. In September, the number of applications for political asylum by Roma from Kosovo decreased slightly in contrary to the past months. The rate of approval in completed cases was 4.7% (365 persons).
BMI Press Announcement 7.10.99

September 1999

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